JAKARTA - The DKI Jakarta Provincial Government and the DKI DPRD have agreed to implement a free school program for the private sector in the new academic year 2025/2026. However, until now, Regional Regulation (Perda) Number 8 of 2006 concerning the Implementation and Management of Education has not been revised.
In fact, regional regulations are the basis for regulations to realize free schools. That way, the implementation of free schools has definite legal rules.
"Yes, it has been budgeted. With the executive budget, you know that the implementation is supported by regional regulations," said Deputy Chairman of the DKI Jakarta DPRD Regional Regulation Formation Agency Jhonny Simanjuntak to reporters, Friday, January 3.
In fact, said Jhonny, the DKI Provincial Government has not submitted the academic paper for the revision of Perda Number 8 of 2006 to the legislature. Meanwhile, academic texts are needed so that the revision of the regional regulation can be included in the discussion.
"Academic studies need to exist and then later we will also prepare how we will involve experts in hearings with Commission E to get input," said Jhonny.
In one content, Jhonny emphasized that the Bapemperda of the DKI DPRD is ready to revise Regional Regulation Number 8 of 2006 and include regulations regarding free private schools.
"We are very ready, we will even be proactive in responding to this (free school). We will communicate with the Education Office and related matters. So Bapemperda is very ready to make the priority scale possible," he explained.
In the 2025 Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBD), the free school budget and the Jakarta Smart Card (KJP) Plus in the APBD was agreed to be IDR 2.3 trillion.
Chairman of the DKI Jakarta DPRD Khoirudin said the government was pursuing regulations and technical implementation so that the free school program could run in mid-2025.
"This is state money, we are stepping up, but there must be certainty of regulations first, what takes time is the preparation of regulations, the funds are ready. And we have also agreed with the executive, and there are no problems," Khoirudin told reporters, Friday, November 29.
Later, the distribution of KJP will be part of the free school program. Given that the tuition fee for the school has been free, the KJP will be sufficient for the purchase of school needs.
"Now the school is free. So the KJP is there, only to buy shoes, pants, clothes, training, t-shirts, hats, and ties. School equipment, because the money that can be received has been put into the school for free," said Khoirudin.
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