YOGYAKARTA - Ornamental plants are indeed one of the most popular decoration elements to beautify the house. In addition to beingautified in the room, ornamental plants also provide calming and improving air quality.

However, not all ornamental plants are safe for everyone. Some types of plants can actually trigger allergies for sensitive individuals. In this article, we will discuss ornamental plants that trigger allergies, so you can be more selective when choosing plants for your home.

Certain ornamental plants contain natural chemical compounds or produce affiliated powders that can cause allergic reactions.

Symptoms of allergies include sneezing, red eyes, itching, and shortness of breath. In addition, direct contact with plant leaves or sap can also trigger skin irritation in some people.

1. Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum)

Peace Lily is often used for decoration because it is easy to care for and is able to absorb air poison. However, this plant contains calcium oxalat which can cause skin irritation and respiratory problems if the juice powder is inhaled.

2. English Ivy (Hedera helix)

While known as a good air cleaner, English Ivy can trigger skin allergies for individuals who are in direct contact with the leaves. This plant also produces affiliated powder that can cause sneezing.

3. Areca Palm (Chrysalidocarpus lutescens)

Areca Palm, which is popularly popular as an indoor ornamental plant, produces small amounts of sari powder. For people with mild allergies, this powder can trigger reactions such as sneezing or watery eyes.

4. Ficus (Ficus benjamina)

Ficus plants produce latex sap that can cause skin allergies. In addition, Ficus essence can also trigger symptoms of respiratory allergies.

5. Monstera

Monstera, with its large leaves and potholes, has become the favorite of many plant lovers. However, the sap from Monstera leaves can cause skin and eye irritation.

6. Caladium (Procedure Hias)

Caladium contains calcium oxalat, which when touched or swallowed can cause skin irritation, mouth, or throat.

7. Chrysanthemum (Krisan)

The Krisan flower is often used as an ornamental plant in pots. However, this plant produces powder which can trigger allergic reactions, especially in havey fever sufferers.

8. Boston Fern (Nephrolepis exaltata)

While Boston Fern is known to be safe, the spora this plant produces can trigger allergies for some people, especially those with high sensitivity to fungi.

9. Oleander (Nerium oleander)

Oleander is a beautiful flowering plant that is often planted in the garden. However, the sap is toxic and can cause skin allergies and eye irritation.

10. Rubber Plant (Ficus elastica)

Like Ficus benjamina, Rubber Plant also produces latexes that can trigger allergies to the skin and respiratory tract.

Choosing ornamental plants can indeed beautify the house and provide health benefits. However, you need to be careful with ornamental plants that trigger allergies. Plants such as Peace Lily, Monstera, and Ficus may look attractive, but for sensitive people, they can be a cause of annoying allergies. Knowing the risks and tips of prevention, you can enjoy the beauty of ornamental plants without sacrificing your health.

If you have a history of allergies, consider choosing a safe plant and maintaining the cleanliness of the environment around the plant. With this step, your home will stay fresh, healthy, and comfortable for all family members.

In addition, read also: Be Careful, These 5 Ornamental Plants Are Toxic And Give Skin Toxic

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