JAKARTA - National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo asked all major officials and regional police chiefs to oversee President Joko Widodo's policies regarding Eid to the 2023 ASEAN Summit international event.

"Mr. President (Jokowi) has repeatedly said that the National Police must really oversee his policies in dealing with inflation and economic transformation. In dealing with this situation, downstreaming, investment, and other programs must be escorted. Please, this can really be implemented," said Listyo Sigit at the Police Rupatama Building, quoted by ANTARA, Friday, March 31.

Listyo Sigit also instructed all his staff to secure and oversee national and international level agendas.

In the near future, there will be a national agenda that needs to be prepared. For the domestic agenda, he asked his staff to secure all activities that take place during the holy month of Ramadan to Eid al-Fitr.

"Of course, community activities are increasing. What are the problems on the ground, please really pay attention," he said.

Regarding the flow of homecoming and the backflow of Lebaran 2023, the former head of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police reminded his staff to prepare carefully considering that this year's travelers are estimated to reach 123 million people, of which the figure is much higher than 2022. According to him, extra work from the ranks of the National Police is needed to prepare facilities and infrastructure to prevent congestion at the 2023 Eid homecoming.

"So, this year we hope that with the increase in the existing volume, we will have to prepare ourselves in advance. So, the community can really carry out homecoming smoothly, safely, and safely. This is our duty and gamble," he said. He also emphasized the issue of safeguarding and supervising the availability and fluctuations of the prices of basic commodities during Ramadan, because it could have an impact on the wheels of the economy.

Meanwhile, for the international agenda, Listyo Sigit said that security readiness must also be carried out early on regarding the ASEAN Summit and various other international activities that take place in Indonesia.

"Then also the ASEAN Summit series, the National Police had experienced success stories during the security of the G-20 Summit. For the ASEAN Summit, it was prepared as well as possible, so that the name of our nation remains fragrant in the eyes of the international community," he added.

Before ending his speech, he also reminded all his staff to continue to maintain and improve synergy and solidity with the TNI, all non-ministerial government ministries and institutions (K/L), as well as local governments.

He also appreciated and expressed his highest gratitude to all Polri personnel who entered retirement.

"Thank you for your dedication and dedication so far and of course we all always pray that after entering retirement, we will remain a family of the Police who continue to maintain the banners of Tribrata and Polri institutions from outside," said Listyo Sigit.

In the handover ceremony, a number of main officials from the National Police Headquarters who were inaugurated included the Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police, the Head of Baintelkam Polri, the Head of Baharkam Polri, and the Deputy Commander of the Brimob Corps.

Meanwhile, the seven regional police chiefs who were inaugurated were the Lampung Regional Police, the Gorontalo Regional Police, the West Java Regional Police, the West Kalimantan Regional Police, the Central Sulawesi Regional Police, the South Sulawesi Regional Police, and the Metro Jaya Regional Police.

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