JAKARTA - The Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police is investigating the involvement of other parties regarding the alleged corruption in the use of private jets that ensnared the former Head of the Internal Security Bureau (Karo Paminal) of the Profession and Security (Propam) Division, Brigadier General Hendra Kurniawan.

"There are already (other parties being investigated, ed)," said the Director of Corruption Crimes at the National Police Criminal Investigation Agency Brigadier General Cahyono Wibowo to VOI, Monday, October 10.

However, Cahyono refused to disclose other parties who had been questioned. Even with the results of the examination.

He only conveyed information on the results of the investigation while it will be delivered today.

However, it is suspected that the other party being questioned is the company that provides the private jet rental service.

Apart from that, this one-star general said that Brigadier General Hendra Kurniawan had been investigated on Friday, October 7th. The suspect in the obstruction of justice in the premeditated murder case of Brigadier J was questioned for six hours at the Mobile Brigade Command Headquarters.

"The Brigadier General HK has made a clarification or request for information in the investigation regarding the alleged criminal act of corruption in the use of private jets," said Cahyono.

"(Inspection-ed) at the Mobile Brigade Headquarters, 08.00 WIB to 14.00 WIB," he continued.

Previously, National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo emphasized that the issue of using a private jet by Brigadier General Hendra Kurniawan was being investigated. The Propam Division and the Directorate of Corruption Crimes will look for evidence regarding the allegation.

"Then regarding the issue of private jets, Propam is currently conducting an investigation together with the Tipikor," General Sigit told reporters, Friday, September 30.

The investigation was carried out starting from the alleged use to the source of the money used to pay for the private jet rental.

So, the results or facts will be obtained in full. Then, the issues currently circulating can be proven by all the findings from Propam and the Directorate of Corruption Crimes.

"We are currently conducting checks on the organizers, the organizing PT and the PT conducting the trip," said Sigit.

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