SEMARANG – Dozens of residents from the online motorcycle taxi community (ojol), students, organda to fishermen's associations discussed directly with the Central Java Police Chief Inspector General Ahmad Luthfi. The meeting, which was held at the Patra Hotel, Semarang, Tuesday, September 27, was aimed at getting input from the public regarding the impact of the transfer of fuel subsidies (BBM).

"Discussions were deliberately made to accommodate various aspirations from the community. At the same time, we want to provide the understanding and build understanding with elements of the community present," said Inspector General Ahmad Luthfi, in a written statement, Tuesday, September 27.

The discussion with the title 'Dynamics and Strategies in Facing the Impact of the Diversion of Fuel Subsidies' was also attended by a number of speakers from the ministry, Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo, Central Java Forkompinda, and journalists.

In this activity, the Regional Police Chief received input from a number of people, such as the ojol community who hoped that there would be a tariff increase policy that would support their operations. Meanwhile, the fishing community requested that the subsidized fuel specifically for fishermen not leak and be used by other members of the community.

"We hope that all parties have a sense of crisis for all the problems that occur and we build solutions together," said Ahmad Luthfi. "We are looking for a joint solution so that Kamtibmas in Central Java will continue to be conducive," he added

Meanwhile, the Governor of Central Java, Ganjar Pranowo, said that the public needs to know all the problems that occur behind the government's policy to increase fuel prices.

"The government has explained the impact of rising world oil prices resulting in limited subsidies. On the other hand, there is compensation given to those who are affected," said Ganjar.

Ganjar also appreciated the Central Java Police for taking firm action against abusers of subsidized fuel.

"Who is being brushed directly by the Police," he said.

"This is proof of our seriousness, don't let the subsidies for the community leak out. The fisherman's quota must go to the fishermen. Farmers and other people who are entitled to receive subsidies are also the same. Don't let their quota be taken away by people," he added.

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