JAKARTA - Acting Governor of West Java, Bey Machmudin, revealed that there is potential for re-voting (PSU) in Karawang and Sukabumi. However, it is still waiting for the decision of the Election Supervisory Body (Bawaslu).
"Yes, but everyone has to wait for the procedure, yes. It has been reported, waiting for Bawaslu, yes, of course we respect it. So, according to the procedure," said Bey after attending the 2024 West Java Pilkada teleconference with regents, mayors, and 27 district/city pilkada desks at Gedung Sate, Bandung, Wednesday, November 27, 2024.
Bey said that his party welcomes if there is a re-voting at the polling station where the voting process is suspected to be problematic in the area.
Based on information he received during the 2024 Pilkada monitoring, Bey revealed that in Karawang there were parents who represented their children to vote at one polling station.
"In Sukabumi, there is one polling station indicated to re-vote as well. However, everything is still waiting for the results of Bawaslu," he said.
Previously, Bey Machmudin said that from reports of 27 regencies/cities, the voting process in West Java went smoothly, safely, and conducively, with various preparations made despite the rain in several areas.
"Based on the report earlier, both from cities, regencies and from the Regional Police, TNI, Attorney General's Office, Regional Head Elections simultaneously went smoothly. Rain only occurred during the calculation."
"So, the regional elections are simultaneously smooth and hopefully the calculations can also run smoothly even though the rain here and there changes," said Bey.
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