JAKARTA - The chairman of the PKB faction of the DPR RI, Jazilul Fawaid, appreciated the implementation of the 2024 Simultaneous Pilkada in 545 regions which went smoothly and was not widely colored by the game of SARA issues.
"Alhamdulillah, for this democratic party which is simultaneously, we do not see the color of SARA's political dichotomy under Pak Prabowo's (government, ed). Everyone is united," said Jazilul, Thursday, November 28.
However, according to him, there are other problems that tarnish the 2024 Simultaneous Pilkada. Namely the alleged existence of money politics and intervention or involvement of the apparatus to win certain candidates.
"What is still often a suspicion, this democratic party is still filled with money politics and allegations of involvement by the authorities. We must fix this together," said Jazilul.
Jazilul said that money politics carried out in the implementation of regional elections is a practice that can injure the democratic party process. "If there is money politics, who will win? Yes, the one who has an envelope," said the PKB Deputy.
Therefore, Jazilul encouraged Bawaslu and law enforcement officials to take action against the perpetrators of the giver and recipients of this money politics. With the firmness to take action against money politics, he hopes that this practice will no longer occur in the implementation of the democratic party in the future.
"The socialization of rejection of money politics must be carried out intensively through political education. This political education is one way so that people are more literate in rejecting money politics," he concluded.
Previously, it was reported that the Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) found the most allegations of money politics during its quiet period and on the voting day during the 2024 Pilkada. Bawaslu has received at least 130 initial information reports on the alleged money politics.
Based on Law Number 10 of 2016 in Article 187A paragraphs 1 and paragraphs 2, the threat of imprisonment and fines for parties involved in politics is a minimum of 3 years to 6 years and a minimum fine of Rp. 200 million and a maximum of Rp. 1 billion.
Based on data from the General Elections Commission (KPU), there are 203 million people registered as voters in the 2024 Pilkada. Of these, 25.69 percent were categorized as generation Z and 33 percent were millennials.
Based on KPU data, as many as 49.91 percent were men and 50.9 percent were women.
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