JAKARTA - Member of Commission VI of the House of Representatives, Andre Rosiade, said that the plan to build a Fly Over Sitinjau of the Sea in West Sumatra (West Sumatra) will continue with a government-business cooperation scheme (KPBU).
The construction of the sea flyover was canceled by the central government due to budget problems.
"We have met with the President Director of PT Hutama Karya and brought the Director of Operations Hutama Karya Koentjoro to see the location. The point is that the construction of further flyovers in 2023 is with the KPBU concept," he said in Padang, West Sumatra, quoted from Antara, Sunday, August 28.
He said that in the KPBU concept, PT Hutama Karya would submit a proposal to the Directorate General of Highways of the Ministry of PUPR to build the flyover.
PT Hutama Karya will become an investor as well as a contractor for flyover construction. Later, payments by the government will be made in stages up to 10 to 15 years.
"Our aspirations in the DPR RI were accepted by the President Director of PT Hutama Karya. This plan has received the green light. The plan is to start the tender in January 2023 and the construction in June 2023. It is hoped that July 2024 will be completed," he said.
Andre said that the efforts he made as a representative of the people were carried out after learning that the West Sumatra Provincial Government's proposal for the construction of the flyover was rejected by the PUPR Ministry.
"As representatives of the people, we certainly want the aspirations of the people of West Sumatra regarding Marine Review to be realized," he said.
Meanwhile, Hutama Karya Director of Operations Koentjoro said his party was in accordance with the request from members of Commission VI of the DPR RI to submit a KPBU proposal to the ministry.
"We really can't rush it and we have to be careful in this case because Mr. Andre asks before 2024, the flyover has been completed," he said.
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