North Sulawesi - Commander of Military Regional Command (Pangdam) XIII/Merdeka Major General Denny Tuejeh said the data verification activity for veterans carried out in the Military Regional Command (Kodam) XIII/Merdeka area was a match for veteran data already in the Ministry of Defense (Kemhan) with data in the field whether it was appropriate.

"This is done so that the data in the Ministry of Defense and in the Kodam XIII/Merdeka area does not have any differences and is valid," said the Commander in Chief in a speech read by Kasdam XIII/Merdeka Brigadier General Mochammad Luthfie Beta in the activity of Indonesian Veterans Data Verification 2022 Period, in Manado, North Sulawesi, as quoted from Antara, Thursday, August 4.

For this reason, his party invites to support and provide the latest data information available in the agency, so that the verification of veteran data can run well and fulfill a sense of justice for the veteran's family.

"Indonesian veterans are one of the components of the nation's children who are very instrumental in fighting for and defending Indonesia's independence. It is only natural for all of us, as the nation's next generation, to appreciate and respect the services of veterans," he said.

Director of Veterans of the Directorate General of Pothan Kemhan Brigadier General Echsan Sutadji said this activity was carried out in order to provide services in providing accurate and accountable information for veterans in the Kodam XIII/Merdeka area.

He hopes that this event can manifest togetherness and national unity in providing services and improving welfare to Babinminvetcaddam XIII/Merdeka, LVRI, PT Taspen Persero and the Population and Civil Registration Service so that they can present valid data.

In the verification activity, Kababinminvetcaddam XIII/Merdeka Colonel (Inf) Didik Sugiantoro also explained about the condition of Babinminvetcaddam personnel and data on the strength of Indonesian veterans Babinminvetcaddam XIII/Merdeka.

In addition, the Head of the Sub-Directorate of Data for the Directorate General of Pothan Kemhan, Colonel (Arh) Eko Wibowo Kusrianto, also explained the target of validating Indonesian veterans' data in building cooperation between Babinminvetcaddam XIII/Merdeka and Dukcapil, LVRI and PT. Taspen.

During the activity, the signing of the minutes of the results of Veterans Data Verification by the Head of Sub-Directorate of Data for the Directorate General of Pothan Ministry of Defense Eko Wibowo Kusrianto, Kababinminvetcaddam XIII/Merdeka Didik Sugiantoro, Chairman of the DPD LVRI North Sulawesi Colonel Ckm (Ret.) dr. Wim J Damopolii SpB MKes, and Branch Manager of PT. Taspen (Persero) Manado Kabul Wibowo.

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