JAKARTA - RaMENGVRL's rappers argue that hip hop music continues to grow in Indonesia and actually listeners and fans of this music genre are extraordinary.
"For hip hops in Indonesia, we are still growing the audience. The audience is really crazy for hip hops. Not only hip hops in the local but also in one Asia," he said in Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Wednesday.
The Bossy singer became one of the performers at the Asian Sound Syndicate (ASS) Vol.2 music festival which will take place on August 26 and 27, 2023 at West Parking JIEXPO Kemayoran. The festival plans to present hip hop musicians from Indonesia, Korea and Japan.
"I have been prepared since three months ago. Usually I perform, I can still prepare not three months earlier. But this time three months earlier," he said.
"Even until this moment I was quite nervous because the set was because it was very special, there were a lot of collaborations from local and international," continued RAMENGVRL who couldn't wait for the appearance of one of the participating musicians, namely Lee Young-ji.
Speaking of festivals, Westwew, who is also one of the performers on the same occasion, said he would prepare a special concept and set. They will later perform songs that have never been released with the theatrical concept.
"We will set a special set, a song we have never played anywhere in a live band format. We are a little theatrical, the concept. There are several songs that have not been released, we will present them with a theatrical concept together that collaborates with us," explained Westwew.
Still on the same occasion, All Good personnel also said they would present a special performance. They then tucked their hopes that local hip hop music will get bigger and the music festival, which is a forum for hip hop musicians, can open many doors both from outside and within the country.
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