JAKARTA Memories of today, seven years ago, 17 May 2017, President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) emphasized that organizations that are contrary to Pancasila, the 1945 Constitution, Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, and the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia cannot be tolerated. Jokowi imitated the Indonesian Communist Party (PKI) which was widely heard to be rising to be beaten.

Previously, the issue that stated that the PKI and communism would rise became a polemic. The allegation said that the PKI had infiltrated political parties and government. Indonesia became excited.

The issue of the PKI and communism rising in the era of President Jokowi's administration brought a stir. The issue was even echoed directly by the former Chief of Staff of the Army Strategic Reserve Command (Kostrad), Major General (Ret.) Kivlan Zen.

He considers the PKI and communism to be a revival in the era of President Jokowi's administration. The indications arise because the sale and use of various communist attributes has begun to emerge. The communists are believed to be starting to develop.

It is believed that the PKI has begun to make an agenda to seek support from farmers, laborers, ABRI, TNI, Polri, and civil servants. The allegations also included that PKI sympathizers began to attend major parties in Indonesia.

The party supporting Jokowi, the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP), in particular. The accusation became even more noisy by mentioning that PKI sympathizers had begun to infiltrate the government. The accusation was denied by the Indonesian government.

The Minister of Home Affairs, Tjahjo Kumolo, emphasized that the news is not necessarily true. Those who accused him of being asked to be immediately examined by the authorities to provide further information. Tjahjo also appealed to the authorities to trace the printer, spreader, and attributes of the sickle.

Tjahjo in line with other levels of government, said that the PKI is a prohibited organization. This provision is present in MPRS Decree Number XXV/MPRS 1966 concerning the Prohibition of the Indonesian Communist Party still applies in Indonesia.

The prohibition on the spread of communism, marxism, and leninism is also contained in Article 107 of Law Number 27 of 1999 concerning Amendments to the Criminal Code relating to Crime to State Security. The space for movement of the PKI and communism is considered not to develop.

"It must be observed properly. If left unchecked, it can be dangerous. What uses (the attribute of the hammer) believes in communism? Not necessarily. Or is there a third party who wants to make the atmosphere worse?" said Tjahjo at the State Palace Complex as quoted by the CNN Indonesia website, May 11, 2016.

Instead of just Tjahjo, President Jokowi began to speak up regarding the issue of the rise of the PKI and communism. He, who was once accused of originating from the PKI family, was furious with the issue that has recently become a polemic. Jokowi also said that the PKI and communism were clearly prohibited in Indonesia.

Jokowi also emphasized that if the PKI really appeared, he asked the security forces to beat him. Jokowi revealed the statement on May 17, 2017. He considered that the PKI could not be prevented through discussion channels or others. The PKI must be pounded.

This response was because Jokowi was angry with the presence of the PKI issue of a misleading rise. He also emphasized that the government's attitude towards the PKI would not change. Anyone who is against Pancasila, the 1945 Constitution, the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, and Bhinneka Tunggal Ika must be beaten.

"I was appointed as President who I hold the constitution, the will of the people. Not anything else. For example, PKI is not going to hit, just beat it. TAP MPR is clear about the prohibition. Indonesia is a democratic country as well as a rule of law. If there is a exit from the corridor, which is the right term, it will be shaken..

"If it is tricked, the President will say it is not firm. If there is evidence and facts, do law enforcement. Don't use other calculations other than law enforcement," said Jokowi at the Merdeka Palace as quoted on Kompas.com page, 17 May 2017.

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