JAKARTA - PT Jasa Marga (Persero) Tbk recorded as many as 299,805 vehicles leaving the Jakarta, Bogor, Tangerang, Bekasi (Jabotabek) areas from D-3 to D-2 New Year 2025 which fell in the period Sunday (29 December 30, 2024).
"The total volume of traffic leaving the Jabotabek area increased by 13.2 percent compared to normal traffic (264,820 vehicles)," said Jasa Marga's Corporate Communication and Community Development Group Head Lisye Octaviana as reported by ANTARA, Tuesday, December 31.
When compared to the 2024 New Year period, he continued, the total volume of traffic this year was 20.6 percent lower. In the previous period, the volume of traffic reached 377,367 vehicles.
Lisye explained that this figure is the cumulative number of traffic flows (traffic) from the four main toll gates (GT), namely GT Cikupa (towards Merak), GT Ciawi (towards Puncak), GT Cikampek Utama (towards Trans Java), and GT Kalihurip Utama (towards Bandung).
For the distribution of traffic leaving Jabotabek towards all three directions, namely the majority of 136,721 vehicles (45.6 percent) heading East (Trans Java and Bandung), 92,594 vehicles (30.9 percent) heading West (Merak), and 70,490 vehicles (23.5 percent) heading South (Puncak).
Lisye said that on the D-2 New Year's 2025 holiday (Monday, December 30, 2024) traffic leaving Jabotabek at four main toll gates was recorded at 158,060 vehicles, an increase of 21.3 percent from normal traffic (130,258 vehicles).
"Jasa Marga recorded an increase in the flow of vehicles towards the East and South on Monday (30/12) at the Cikampek Utama GT and Kalihurip Utama GT, as many as 68,434 vehicles increased by 30.7 percent from normal traffic (52,374 vehicles) and 38,400 Ciawi GT vehicles increased by 22.9 percent from normal traffic (31,243 vehicles)," said Lisye.
He reminded that the peak return flow for the 2025 New Year period is predicted to occur on Wednesday, January 1, 2025. He appealed to road users to avoid traveling at peak times, and avoid traveling at favorite times such as in the morning and at night to avoid accumulation of vehicles.
Lisye also reminded road users to return to take advantage of a 10 percent toll rate cut on the Trans Java Toll Road on Friday, January 3, 2025 for the 2025 New Year's return trip from Semarang to Jakarta (GT Kalikangkung to GT Cikampek Utama).
"The 10 percent tariff discount will be applied again by Jasa Marga and other Toll Road Business Entities (BUJT) managers of the Trans Java Semarang Toll Road" Jakarta on January 3, 2025," he said.
For the hours of the tariff cut, he continued, starting at 05.00 WIB to 05.00 WIB, or valid for 24 hours, and enforced for all groups of vehicles.
"With this, we hope to maximize the distribution of traffic, so that there is no accumulation of vehicles," said Lisye.
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