JAKARTA - Joko Widodo, the former governor of DKI Jakarta for the 2012-2014 period, was not present when the former governors of DKI gathered at the DKI City Hall to participate in the Bangka Harapan JakASA event held by the DKI Provincial Government.
Bentang Harapan JakASA is one of a series of events celebrating the New Year 2025. The former governors, officials, and other figures wrote their respective hopes on the cloth that would later be stretched.
Acting Governor of DKI Jakarta Teguh Setyabudi revealed that he invited all former Governors and Deputy Governors. However, Jokowi could not attend because he was in Solo.
"Coincidentally, Mr. Jokowi celebrates the new year with his family in Solo. So, leave greetings to the governors and other deputy governors," said Teguh at DKI City Hall, Tuesday, December 31.
Apart from Jokowi, the Acting Governor of DKI Jakarta for 2022-2024 Heru Budi Hartono was also absent. Teguh said Heru was now in Yogyakarta.
Apart from the former governor, the candidate pair for Governor-Deputy Governor of Jakarta in the 2024 Pilkada was also invited to the Bahtang Harapan JakASA event. However, Ridwan Kamil was also absent.
"Mr. RK was also invited. If I'm not mistaken, it's still out of town. But everyone was invited," said Teguh.
In this activity, the figures wrote their respective hopes of using the markers that were put on the cloth. Starting from the former Governor of DKI Sutiyoso, Fauzi Bowo, Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok), Djarot Saiful Hidayat, to Anies Baswedan.
Then, former Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta Ahmad Riza Patria, Acting Governor of DKI Jakarta 2016-2017 Soni Sumarsono, to Minister of Religion Nasaruddin Umar.
Not only that, the pair of candidates for the Governor of DKI Jakarta to be elected in the 2024 Pilkada, Pramono Anung and Rano Karno also wrote down their hopes. Then, Suswono and Kun Wardana, the deputy governor candidates for the Jakarta gubernatorial election.
The total length of the cloth prepared by the DKI Provincial Government as a container for the writing of hope is 500 meters long. Teguh explained, the cloth with the hope will be spread again in 2027.
"God willing, we will reopen it at 500 years in Jakarta, namely on June 22, 2027. How will we do later, what is written now and what we will see later on June 22, 2027," he said.
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