JAKARTA - Jennifer Coppen couldn't help but feel emotional when she found out that someone took a picture of her daughter, Kamaru while doing activities at her school. Jennifer's concern was expressed through the chain message feature on Instagram.

In this feature, Jennifer shared a video upload showing her daughter being recorded without permission when not wearing clothes.

"Where in the video, Kamari doesn't wear clothes because she's in a rolling activity. But it's uploaded. Like please, can you really enjoy other people? At least permission first," wrote Jennifer Coppen, quoted by VOI from her personal Instagram, Tuesday, August 6.

Then, Jennifer said that her daughter was indeed sent to school, which mostly contained Caucasian children. But one day, Jennifer saw that many Indonesian children were also present.

Unfortunately Jennifer Coppen felt that their presence at the school was only to record herself and also her daughter, Kamari.

"Like, I'm sorry to say this, where Kamari goes to school, mostly international children. Suddenly one day I came. Many Indonesian children with their mothers. When I came, I immediately took out my cellphone and was busy recording her children and Kamari," added Jennifer Coppen.

Jennifer admitted that she had no problem if someone wanted to take pictures with her or her daughter as long as she asked permission. But he asked not to follow the princess to school.

"Be honest, if you allow me, I will definitely never be stingy. But the point is not to follow where Kamari goes to school," said Jennifer.

Feeling uncomfortable and his son's privacy was disturbed, finally Jennifer Coppen took firm steps by moving her daughter's school. "Starting tomorrow I will change schools Kamari," he said.

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