JAKARTA - Zooey Deschanel made a defense regarding his character, Summer, in the film Days of Summer. He admitted that he had received negative treatment from the audience since the film was released in 2009.
The film (500) Days of Summer tells the story of Summer Finn (Zooey Deschanel) who is liked by a man named Tom Hansen (Joseph Gordon-Levitt). They are good friends who like each other until one day, Summer leaves Tom.
The debate over who went wrong in this film continues to this day. Not a few call Summer a villain, but many also think Tom is a villain in this story.
Zooey Deschanel shared the negative treatment he had received over the years because his characters were told to leave Tom.
"When (500) Days of Summer was released, everyone said 'You're like a bad girl, Summer!' I don't know if those are words you can say but, really tired of hearing them, because I don't think she's like that," Zooey Deschanel told The Independent.
"And I really protect the character. So please stop talking bad things about Summer," he continued.
Earlier this year, Gordon-Levitt also asked the public not to say anything negative about the character played by Zooey.
People say negative about Zoeey's character. They interpret it as a story about a innocent man who is kind and loves his girlfriend, and his girlfriend asks to break up, how could he? " said Joseph Gordon-Levitt.
"But if you pay attention, my character doesn't hear. He cares a lot about Summer's words," he said.
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