JAKARTA = The Settlers film, can be officially watched at KlikFilm, starting in June 2024. The film from Chile entitled The Settlers or Los Colonos was proposed as their official submission to be nominated for the Best International Features Film Oscar 2024.

Despite failing to get a nomination, The Settlers like The Zone of Interest have similarities in issues and agendas, namely convincing humans not to repeat genocide.

Taking the late 1800s and early 1900s, the story of the film The Settlers (Arrivals) opens with the appearance of a windy expanse of vast land. The focus of the camera then slowly carried out a group of people working on a land with a wire fence belonging to a businessman from Spain, Jose Menendez who was cruel. To launch their natural exploitation agenda, European invaders carried out brutal ways to get rid of indigenous people. This is what Felipe Göllvez Haberle later described in his latest work.

Menendez ordered McLennan, Bill, and Segundo mercenaries to hunt natives so as not to interfere with their business. During their trip, they met fellow mercenaries who were ordered by other European businessmen. During this hunt, a scene of violence was presented by this film. MacLennan and Bill seemed to enjoy, while Segundo actually felt dislike the heinous treatment of two of his friends.

A few years later, the Chilean government began imposing a new rule so that European immigrants and indigenous people could interact with each other. That's when Segundo was asked to testify. In his testimony, details of the atrocities committed by the mercenaries were exposed.

However, unlike war films that focus on action, time urgency, and violence, The Settlers are packed with poetic styles. The rate is slow and the protagonists seem to have a lot of time to reflect and be silent. When compared, The Settlers have similarities to The Zone of Interest. The horror doesn't always rely on the elements of the graph, it can be built through stunning audio details and sharpness of the dialogue.

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