JAKARTA UGM Psychology Lecturer Bagus Riyono encourages the empowerment of Community Health Centers (Puskesmas) throughout Indonesia as a place for psychological rehabilitation of online gambling addicts.

"Puskesmas can be a solution to overcome the rise of online gambling in the community. This means that Puskesmas needs 'upgrading skills' to overcome people who are addicted to gambling," he said, Sunday, June 30, 2024.

According to him, the phenomenon of gambling in society is not a new problem because it has existed for a long time, even though the way of playing has changed to entering the digital world. Gambling is considered an exciting and addictive game for many people.

He explained, from theory of Reinforcement, it is said that there is a booster to do this, namely in the form of incentives that raise expectations. People playing gambling are certain to have ambitions to win so that they can be manipulated by the dealer even though there are frequent expectations that are large inversely proportional to reality.

'The characteristics of gambling are exciting. There are expectations, expectations to forget where we take money from. People who are 'independent' have the hormone dopamine that makes fun, "explained Bagus.

He stated, when people easily get capital gambling, even in a losing position will find it fun. This is what triggers many criminal cases including murder and suicide caused by expectations that are expected by gamblers not to be achieved.

Therefore, Bagus sees that puskesmas can provide easy psychological services for victims of online gambling, especially those from vulnerable communities, namely those who are not smart and need money.

When the psychologist is ready, the service can be opened. On the other hand, the government can enter to distract the trapped poor. Given capital is not social assistance but with directional guidance from the government," he said

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