JAKARTA The General Treasurer of the Central Java PDI-P DPD, Agustina Wilujeng Pramestuti, hopes that his party will fight empty boxes in several areas in the 2024 Central Java Simultaneous Pilkada contestation.

According to him, this is based on the results of the study and mapping carried out ahead of the implementation of the upcoming November regional elections.

"Maybe 12 out of 35 regencies are in Central Java. It is still too early to say how much it can be, but our target is 12 against empty boxes," said Agustina in a written statement, Sunday, June 30, 2024.

"Our predictions include in Purbalingga, Grobogan, Semarang Regency. But everything is still too fluid, for us to talk about fighting empty boxes, especially in Semarang City," he continued.

Despite hoping to fight empty boxes in several areas, he revealed that Central Java PDIP continues to carry out activities or political agendas as usual ahead of the regional elections. Including exploring cooperation with other political parties.

"How about a cooperation format that does not fight an empty box because it is different parties, now this is looking for ways and preparing the mentality of party friends," he said.

Agustina stated that until now, the Central Java PDIP DPD has carried out roadshows as well as surveys in several areas in Central Java to explore cooperation and absorb the aspirations of the community.

"The survey that we are doing, so that they can interpret our work against empty boxes will be delicious, but if not against empty boxes, it will be heavy, of course, branch friends will inform their fellow structures below from the results of the survey presented in front of the candidate and DPC," he explained.

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