YOGYAKARTA - Nobody wants to get lost in the forest, let alone in a alone condition. Loss in the forest can be experienced when someone climbs, travels, and a car strikes in the middle of a forest road. So how to survive in the forest if suddenly experiencing this situation?

Getting lost in the forest is indeed a scary or terrible condition. Especially if you are trapped in a forest that is far from urban areas and residential areas. For those who are not used to living or doing activities in the wild, they will be confused about survival.

It takes skills and survival knowledge to be safe and out of a foreign forest center. There are several ways to survive in the forest that are important for you to know.

Here are some ways to survive in the forest that you need to know and can be applied when experiencing this situation:

The first thing you need to do to survive in the forest is find drinking water. Find signs of fresh water and trace it or follow it while carrying a container to accommodate it.

You can look for signs such as green leaves that indicate the presence of water, a lowland area that can accommodate water, and traces of animals showing the presence of wild animals. These characteristics can indicate that there are rivers, water flows, or ponds around. You can also collect rainwater as an alternative.

Find dry and flat areas between trees to create shelter. Choose locations that avoid potential hazards such as landslides or floods. Avoid areas that are too close to river or lake edges because water can rise quickly.

Make shelters with materials that can be found nearby. For example by collecting wood, twigs, stones, and others. Use these objects to build makeshift shelters.

Finding food is an important skill when surviving in the forest. You can find plants and insects that can be eaten in that area. Fishing and hunting are also an option if you have the skills and equipment you need. But be careful and recognize plants or toxic animals that should not be consumed.

When you are in the wild or lost in the forest, you need a fire to create warmth, cook, and signal for help. Knowing how to start a fire with various methods is an important survival skill.

Gather leaves, twigs, and dry branches as the main fuel. Don't forget to start the fire carefully both in place and in the surrounding location. In addition, avoid leaving the fire unsupervised.

Surviving in the forest also requires personal help or protection for various needs. One of them is a tool that can help you is a spear. You can use a simple spear to hunt fish or cancil. In addition, spears can also function as a tool to protect yourself from danger.

To make a spear, start by looking for the wood that is suitable and strong enough and comfortable to hold. Be the tip of the wood into two or three parts, then insert the stone in the middle to make it stronger. After that, tidy it up and sharpen the tip of the wood using a knife or stone.

When lost or in trouble, giving a signal of assistance is very important. Use visual and voice signals to attract attention. For visual signals, make a big fire that is easily visible or arranged rocks and branches form a SOS pattern. For sound signals, use whistles, firearms, or repeated screams.

Maintain a positive attitude and stay focused on the goal of survival to avoid feeling overwhelmed or panicked. Psychological resilience is a key factor in facing the challenges you will face in the forest.

Those are some ways to survive in the forest when you get lost in climbing or exploration. The first thing you need to do when experiencing these conditions is to maintain concentration and mental stability. That way you can take other steps more optimally. Also read the self-protection strategy that needs to be taught to children.

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