YOGYAKARTA Actress cast in the film,ten Karamoy, her beauty is praised by netizens. Rani's character whom she plays in the film Ipar Is Death, makes her ready to accept the risk that netizens hate, her admits when Gala Premiere. The reason is, in the film released on June 13 in the cinema,men were lined up to play Rani's character, the figure who destroyed Nissa's household (Michelle Ziudith) and Aris (Dave Mahenra). In addition to the professional attitude towards the profession she has been working on since 2018, the beautiful portrait of panora Karamoy has been praised by many netizens.

One netizen considered the feature of her face to be like a barbie. Not to mention other netizens who praised her beautiful so as to idolize the 21-year-old actress who was born in Jakarta.

"Have you ever felt hurt when you're hurt?", wrote one netizen. Many netizens also praised the beauty ofction Karamoy like an angel. In one of the uploads of a portrait of my voice, netizens also joked, he admitted that his device screen could not be scrolled because it was frozen by the beauty of this actress.

His role in the latest film, which will be released in the next few days, demands that he use a tertutu wardrobe, wearing a hijab. His old portrait without a hijab was bombarded with new comments from netizens about the outfit to wear the hijab.

In the film Ipar Is Death, demands professionalism intensifies Karamoy. The reason is, this is the first time he has played a character and has mature scenes. Before accepting this offer,men admitted to consulting first and permission to his family.

She admitted that she would explain how this offer would be made. Including the technical direction that keeps and is safe for him. He also explained that there are many scenes that are not as good as in the film. The team also maintains the safety of all cast, so they are not worried about violating ethical boundaries in shooting pictures.

A number of television films were also played by the third child of five siblings of Minahasa descent. His first debut work, he played the character Gisel in the television series Tukang Ojek Pengkolan.

The name badminton Karamoy is flying even more after playing the character Mikayla in the Bad Boys vs Crazy Girls web series. In the middle of the first year of 2024, apart from two horror films, deterrence and Kuncen, Ipar's big screen drama film is Death to test his skills in acting.

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