YOGYAKARTA - Sex activities are useful for increasing intimacy between husband and wife. Husband and wife are recommended to have sex regularly. In addition to building household happiness and making marriage lasting, routine sex is also physically and psychologically healthy.

But sometimes there are some situations where married couples cannot do sexual activity regularly. For example, when your partner is in a long distance relationship (LDM). Both of them have to refrain from having sex for some time until they can meet.

Some people may find it difficult when they have to go on vacation to have sexual activity for a long time. So how long does a woman holding back not having sex with her partner?

Regarding the ideal time benchmark for having sex, each couple actually has their own comfort. Some couples may be very happy with sexual activity every day. While other couples may do it only once a week or even once a month.

Research shows that the happiest couples are those who have sex at least twice a week on average. Couples who have sex once a week are also said to be happy, have a lower stress risk, and have a higher quality relationship.

A study published in Social Psychological and Personality Science revealed that out of around 6000 participants, 16 percent of couples have not had sex in the past month. In addition, as many as 15 percent of other couples have not had sex during the last six months.

Although a person can not have sex for months, research shows that there is no definite benchmark on how long a person can survive without having sex. Experts say that couples who have sex less than 10 times a year have the potential to have unhealthy husband and wife relationships.

Someone who has a regular intimate relationship every day or more often can also have a healthy marriage relationship. In fact, the frequency of having sex is not the main determinant of happiness and satisfaction in relationships. Hopefully this information will be useful.

Having sex is a form of love language or physical language touch. In physical touch with a partner, it is deeply emotional and gives an extraordinary impression. That is why married couples are expected to arrange a regular schedule for having sexes to improve the quality of the relationship.

Talking about the intimate relationship of a married couple, there are several factors that affect how long a person can withstand sexual activity.

Each partner or person has different preferences for the frequency and type of sexual activity they want. Some may feel satisfied with sexual activity that is rare, while others feel the need to have sex more often.

A person's emotional, emotional, and psychological levels can also affect how long they can survive without having sex. Stress, anxiety, depression, or relationship problems can affect a person's sexual desire.

A person's level of satisfaction and sexual needs can also be influenced by physical factors, such as hormone levels, physical health, and body changes over time (for example, during menstruation or pregnancy).

The quality of relationships and intimacy between partners is also very important. Good communication, mutual trust, and mutual comfort can increase the desire to have sex.

That's the answer from how long a woman can't stand having sex? Actually, there is no definite benchmark regarding the ideal frequency of a partner having to have sex. Each partner has their own preferences in the need for sexual activity. Also read the ideal time of making love for couples.

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