YOGYAKARTA - The Tebuireng Islamic Boarding School is one of the well-known Islamic boarding schools in Indonesia. Ponpes, which was founded in 1899 by KH. Asy'ari is famous for its quality and experienced learning curriculum. Many parents ask about the cost of entering the Tebuireng Islamic Boarding School.

Located in Jombang, Tebuireng Islamic Boarding School is not only visited by students from East Java. This Islamic boarding school has even become a reference for many parents from all regions in Indonesia who want to send their children to religious-based schools.

Ponpes Tebuireng not only teaches Islamic knowledge and Arabic, but also provides general lessons to its students. So the students who are mondok here are not only guided to understand Islamic science, but are also educated to master general knowledge such as public or private schools.

This boarding school also provides education levels at various levels, ranging from elementary to high school. Parents who want to send their children to this place certainly need to know the cost of entering the Tebuireng Islamic boarding school and the details of their financing.

The cost of education at the Tebuireng Islamic boarding school is pegged to vary depending on the level of education pursued by students. The following are details of the entry fee or re-registered at the Tebuireng Islamic Boarding School for the 2024-2025 lesson year as reported from the official website.

The following are various levels of education at the Tebuireng Islamic Boarding School which parents can choose to include their children according to their respective levels.

This institution is located in Kesamben Village, Jombang Regency, which is 26 km to the north. The establishment of this institution is based on the importance of early education and basic education which aims to instill and practice the values of faith, noble morals, noble personality, and national values and love for the country.

In accordance with government policies, the structure of the SDIT Ir curriculum. Soedigno follows the 2013 curriculum with emphasis on local content such as reading and writing the Koran, amaliyah sunnah worship, practice of worship, Arabic, and art and culture. It is hoped that graduates are fluent in reading the Koran, caring for the environment and others, skilled in speaking (Indonesia, Arabic, and English), and have self-confidence.

This institution is the oldest unit in the Tebuireng Islamic Boarding School that has existed since the leadership of Kiai Abdul Wahid Hasyim. In 1951, this institution obtained an official confession under the leadership of Kiai Abdul Karim Hasyim. Based on Decree No. 001250/BAN-S/M/2009, MTs Salafiyah Syafi'iyah Tebuireng received the same status and Accredited A.

Abbreviated as MASS Tebuireng, this institution is a private formal education unit under the Tebuireng Jombang Islamic Boarding School. The curriculum is a combination of the Islamic boarding school curriculum and the national curriculum. Until now, MASS Tebuireng has produced outstanding graduates in various fields spread across the country.

This institution organizes the Advance Learning Class (ALC) flagship program under the auspices of the Tebuireng International Standard School (PTISS) Islamic Boarding School. This institution also cooperates with the University of Cambridge International Examinations (CIE). This institution is claimed to be one of the schools that has won the title of Adiwiyata School in Regency.

Structurally, SMA AWH is under the auspices of the Hasyim Asy'ari Islamic Boarding School Tebuireng Foundation and is fostered by the East Java Provincial Education and Culture Office. Founded in 1975, SMA AWH is now implementing a national curriculum with additional Islamic boarding school curriculum which includes aqidah akhlak, hadith, fiqh, Arabic, aswaja, and Islamic cultural history.

Also known as the Islamic Boarding School of Science, this education unit integrates Islamic boarding schools with public education in the field of science. This high school does not combine pesantren materials with general science such as modern pesantren, but focuses on understanding Al Quran and hadith, natural science, and interaction between the two.

This institution was founded with the aim of restoring the basic values of pesantren as an institution of Tafaqquh fi al-din. The subject matter consists of 90 percent of religious material (web salaf) and 10 percent of general knowledge. Learning deepening methods are provided through discussion or classroom deliberation.

Founded on September 6, 2006, this institution aims to build a new paradigm by developing various religious and general sciences simultaneously, in an integrated unit, by making the Al Quran and hadith the main sources of scientific development.

Located on Jalan KH Hasyim Asy'ari No. 13, Balong Besuk, Diwek, Jombang Regency, this institution prioritizes multimedia programs in collaboration with several institutions such as ITS Surabaya, Surabaya State University, and UIN Maliki Malang. The focus is on developing websites, multimedia, games, production houses, and the advertising industry as targeted job opportunities or businesses.

The address of this institution is on Jalan Jombang-Pare KM 19, Jombok, Ngoro, Jombang Regency. Tebuireng Science Middle School was founded by KH Salahuddin Wahid with the aim of increasing understanding of the splendor of the Al Quran, so that all scientific advances remain in a religious context and do not deviate from their teachings.

Demikian informasi biaya masuk Pondok Pesantren Tebuireng di Jombang Jawa Timur. Rincian biaya tersebut merupakan biaya daftar ulang untuk tahun pelajaran 2024-2025 yang dikutip dari laman resminya. Ponpes ini telah terbukti menghasilkan graduates yang berkompeten secara keilmuan dan memiliki moral yang baik. Baca juga perjuangan Hasyim Asy'ari bersama para santri di Tebuireng.

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