JAKARTA - Long time no word has been heard in the acting world, Marcella Zalianty is apparently actively advancing the Indonesian theater world. In 2023 he produced an Indonesian women's national hero theater titled Jalamahe Admiral Malahayati.

Marcella revealed that the theater performance was also a commemoration of the 78th anniversary of the Indonesian Navy and the stipulation of the birthday of Malahayati as an international celebration day.

"So this is actually the first day we are watching a record return to the performance of Admiral Malahayati and then we carry it out in celebrating the 78th Anniversary of the Indonesian Navy and now we are gathering again," said Marcella Zalianty in the Cikini area, Central Jakarta, Friday, June 28.

"We also celebrate that Admiral Malahayati has been set at the UN session at UNESCO that Malahayati's birthday is set for an international celebration day," he added.

Seeing this, Marcella said that he plans to bring the life story of Admiral Malahayati to the big screen as a continuation of the theater arts.

"The desire is part of the plan and hope to be able to reverse the character of Malahayati, which continues the theater context," he said.

Still excited in working on the life story of Indonesia's national female hero, Marcella plans to raise the life story of another female national hero, Queen Kalinyamat from Jepara.

"I really want to raise the Queen of Kalinyamat but I want to concentrate first, hopefully this can be filmed by the state and has admitted that the city is still silent," he said.

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