YOGYAKARTA - In fact, fruit is a natural food and is very good for our bodies, however, if you are an ambeien or hemorrhoid, then you need to pay attention to fruit that can't be eaten by ambeien sufferers. Anything? Check out the explanation below, yes!

The reason is, ambeien is the condition of blood vessels around the anus and rectum that experience swelling, and is often accompanied by bleeding. OMG!

So as not to be too severe, there are some fruits that can't be eaten by people with ambeien.

If people with ambeien continue to consume it, especially in an amount that exceeds the limit, then this matter can stimulate complications, a kind of infection to more severe digestive disorders.

So, let's follow what fruit is not allowed to be eaten by Ambeien sufferers below!

I. Durian

One type of fruit that should not be eaten by ambeien is durian. Durian has large fats and calories. This can cause increased weight and pressure on the digestive tract, especially in blood vessels around the anus.

Durian also has sulfur substances that easily evaporate into gas compounds. This gas can cause digestive disorders in people with ambeien, a kind of bloating stomach and irritation of the large intestine or stomach.

II. Unobtained Fruit

Consumption of fruit that is not ripe also includes the taboos of hemorrhoids. Basically, immature fruit has a high content of toxine because nutrients are not perfect. This can endanger digestive health if consumed carelessly.

Not only are the nutrients that are not perfect, this type of fruit also contains high tannin and acid so that it can make the defecation hard on people with hemorrhoids. So, you should wait a few days so that the fruit is cooked perfectly and ready to eat.

III. Preserved Fruit

Other ambeien taboos are those that go through the preservative process. These fruits are often added to sugar, preservatives, or other chemicals that can stimulate the digestive tract.

Not only that, but some of the preserved fruit also has high salt levels so that it can stimulate the formation of fluid retention. Fluid retention can cause swelling throughout the body, especially around the anus, and increase pressure on blood vessels.

IV. Fruit with Spicy Seasoning

Finally, fruit that can't be eaten by ambeien sufferers is those that have a spicy taste, a kind of chili and various rujak. This is because spicy fruit can give a hot sensation in the stomach and around the anus.

Then, fruits with spicy taste have the contents of an active substance, a kind of capsaicin, which can stimulate infection in the digestive tract while increasing blood flow so that it is not good for people with ambeien to consume.

V. Fruit Sitrus

One of the food prohibitions for people with ambeien is consuming citrus fruit, a kind of orange and lemon. Even though it is enriched in vitamin C, citrus fruit also has a high acid content so that it can stimulate irritation in the digestive tract.

Then, the sitrus is also often used as a natural harass solution because of its high fiber content. So, if people with ambeien consume a lot of citrus fruit, this matter can lead to new problems, a kind of defecation becomes fluid.

VI. Fruit Beri

Fruits that should not be eaten by other ambeien sufferers are berries, such as strawberries, raspberry, and blueberries. Just like a sitrus, berries are also enriched in acid content so that it can cause irritation and bloating stomach in ambeien sufferers.

Not only that, but berries also have small grains that are rough. Therefore, if the person with ambeien is not on guard when consuming berries, the digestive tract can be injured and worsen the swelling in the anus area.

VII. Dry fruit

Kismis, plums, and dates, including fruits that are not allowed to be eaten by ambeien sufferers because they go through the drying process. Dried fruit tends to have high sugar content so that it can cause increased weight and pressure on blood vessels.

Not only that, dry fruit also has a high concentration because most of the water in it has disappeared. Therefore, this type of fruit is a taboo for people with ambeien because it will be difficult to digest by the digestive tract and increase the risk of constipation.

Talking about ambeien, you also have to know '9 Foods That Are Not Allowed To Be Consumed By Ambeien Sufferers'.

So after knowing the fruit that can't be eaten by ambeien sufferers, see other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!

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