JAKARTA - Celebrity Tamara Tyasmara admits that she has received various kinds of terror since the case of her son's death, Dante, was widely reported. Tamara said she received intimidation and threats from social media.

"It's more intimidation, threatening too. I posted on the tiktok with my aunt commenting on the parents of the mothers 'Just wait for what you will reap'," said Tamara Tyasmara at Jeruk Purut TPU, South Jakarta, Thursday, April 18.

"Here I also post about justice, he comments 'Together, Tamara, we will seek justice, not murder', 'let's post one by one, like that," he continued.

Tamara has felt this act of intimidation and threats since she carried out a BAP at Polda Metro Jaya. But it got worse after reconstructing Dante's death.

"Since the BAP, there have been a lot of intimidation and tenor chats, before the reconstruction. Right after the reconstruction it was even worse. There were a lot of comments and WhatsApp. I changed numbers," he said.

Tamara felt sure that this was done by the family of the perpetrator of the murder of her son, Yudha Arfandi alias YA. The reason is that establishing a relationship for two years is enough for Tamara to know her lover's family.

"Without admitting I know it's his family, I know his family well," he continued.

Therefore, the ex-wife of Angger Dimas said that since she received intimidation and threats that she had always received guard.

"The people at home are indeed from my house. Before there was this problem, they were already shooting. But after terror and intimidation, there was an escort," he said.

Tamara emphasized that she did not hesitate to report people who intimidated and threatened her if she was deemed to have crossed reasonable limits.

"(Police report) Not yet, yes, if it gets worse and it interferes, it can," he explained.

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