JAKARTA - Nirina Zubir finally reaped the rewards of his struggle for four years struggling to get a land certificate belonging to his family. Previously, the certificate from a number of houses was controlled by the land mafia which was related to his former household assistant.

"On orders from the Minister, I was assigned to demolish the land mafia. Today we are grateful that the land belonging to Mba Niri (Nirina) has returned to the hands of its owner," said Deputy Minister of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/National Land Agency (ATR/BPN) Raja Juli Antoni in Jakarta, on Wednesday, February 14.

"After this I will immediately hold a coordination meeting. We are committed, all land of Mba Nirina will return entirely," he continued.

Nirina's case has been going on since 2019 until now she has only found a turning point. The certificate was received just before the 2024 General Election took place.

"Today Na and his family are witnesses that our law is enforced to win against #mafiatanah," wrote Nirina Zubir.

So far, he has only received four certificates, while the other four will still follow. He thanked the government for helping to investigate the land mafia, especially with the case.

Not only that, Nirina Zubir also decided to vote in the area where her parents lived. He and her husband, Ernest had time to take pictures in front of the house whose certificate had just returned to the hands of their families.

"Frankly, as long as there is this house, it's not strong considering the memory of togetherness with Buya (Papa na) and Mama in this house," continued Nirina.

"Earlier, Na was still shaking very much, the eyes were getting hot, a little more dripped, making it difficult to move on," he said.

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