JAKARTA - Celebrity Marshanda said that she had chosen a hiatus after officially divorcing her ex-husband, Ben Kasyafani in 2014.

"I think when I finished the divorce process, it was 2014," said Marshanda, quoted by VOI from YouTube Taulany TV, Friday, January 3.

Initially, the mother of one child did not intend to be vaccinated, but unfortunately the mental health she had made her confidence decrease.

"Maybe at that time I admitted that if I had a mental health condition, so I remember really how come I was still looking for work (filming), but no one believed in me, like managers, that's why I contacted, ignored," said Marshanda.

Not only that, Marshanda even had time to be careful when the entertainment world no longer believed in him because of his confession.

"Because maybe for them, 'people just don't believe you, Ca (Marsanda's nickname)," said Marshanda.

"First, you used the hijab, then you looked for your identity and then you let go of it. Then you opened up about the very controversial mental health conditions in this country," he continued.

The reason is that he feels that if he becomes a public figure, he must be able to show a good image.

"If you become a public figure, keep your image well, how come it opens, there are also those who say character assassination," he continued.

However, Marshanda was reluctant to give up on his condition and believed that he would be fine after the incident.

"Aku dari hari H, aku proses cerai, segala perturbulan itu terjadi, aku sudah tahu akan seperti itu, akan hancur dulu, tapi nanti aku akan baik-baik, aku tahu itu," tandasnya.

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