JAKARTA - Everyone has certainly had hair problems such as branched ends, brittle hair, and difficult strands to regulate. All problems with this hair if not addressed can cause damaged hair. "The cause of damage to strands of hair can be caused by internal and external factors", explained tricate Hill's experts in New York City, citing Vogue, Friday, May 5.
Basically, the hair should be treated like a fine cloth. Hill, however, explains that maintained hair must have the right hydration and elasticity balance and can respond to products designed for the type and texture of the hair fiber.
If you are currently having problems with your hair, here are tips for repairing damaged hair from experts.
Headpieces are a type of skin, where good hair growth starts from there assertively the celebrity hairtyurist! According to Hill, the first thing that needs to be done in dealing with damaged hair is to overcome problems that may be experienced by the skin. It could be because of coloring, lack of vulnerabilities, extensions, excess heat, tension, and product buildup.
Start by using a mask or special oil that suits the current needs of your head skin condition. Also, providing cell changes and having anti-inflammatory properties. In addition, apply pre-sampo oil or a mask from the root to the tip of the layer above the pre-sampo care of the skin.
Use shampoo and sulfate-free conditioner. Sulfat-free sampo can restore softness, glare, and hair moisture. This sampo and conditioner maintain natural oil on the skin of the head and hair, which eventually makes hair more moist. Sulfat-free sampo can be a solution for sensitive persons of the scalp and hair, as well as for people with rosacea and contact dermatitis.
The heat protection product works very well to protect hair from heat damage because it provides a layer that will not make hair flammable due to excess heat. Heat protection products not only function to protect hair, but also add hydration andliberancy. Use it before drying and arranging hair to protect your precious hair strands from various elements.
Wet hair is very fragile, therefore handle it carefully. Use a wide-toothed comb or wet brush. Comb from top down and let the hair dry up well before it is arranged. Avoid using a comb made of metal because it can erode hair fiber and facial skin.
The only way to fix severe thermal or chemical damage is to cut the dead ends of the hair frequently and let healthier hair grow unaffected by prolonged damage. In addition to severe damage, trim can also reduce branched ends so they don't mess around and break easily.
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