YOGYAKARTA – Children's laziness is often a complaint of parents. However, there are certain reasons when children are not enthusiastic about learning or social activities. They may not really be lazy, but they have something to hide. Instead of scolding dispirited children, parents need to recognize and understand so that they find an agreement to overcome laziness.

According to review by Pamela Li, MS., MBA. reported by Parenting For Brain, Tuesday, May 17, physical and psychological reasons can contribute to the decreased motivation of children to play, study, and socialize. Li's suggestion, steps to overcome, first need to identify where the laziness comes from. Here are the factors behind a child's laziness that may be experienced.

1. Learning difficulties

Every child has their own abilities. For example, those who are good at math are not easy to learn languages or those who like languages find it difficult to memorize formulas. It needs to be understood that learning difficulties cannot be solved by bluffing. Parents need to be patient in accompanying and maintaining their children's motivation so they don't shy away from learning certain fields that they find difficult.

apa alasan anak malas belajar
Illustration of what reasons children are lazy to study that need to be addressed wisely by parents (iStockphoto)

2. Having trouble sleeping

According to a study, Child Development, lack of sleep can affect a child's learning and academic achievement. Lack of sleep, especially due to uncontrolled screentime, can delay a child's sleep. This means that parents need to provide control over the hours of sleep with the aim of the child still being able to carry out normal activities the next day.

3. Parents are too controlling

On the one hand, parental control is necessary. But on the other hand, children need autonomy to control their own activities. Children who are engaged in non-coercive learning are better motivated to learn.

Parents who control strictly, actually discourage students regardless of whether they want to do it. These parents have the potential to reduce their children's learning motivation so that they look lazy.

4. The relationship between parents and children is not good

A good relationship can be defined as having emotional closeness, warmth, and support. This relationship can motivate children. On the other hand, strained relationships can create stress and discourage children from engaging in activities they enjoy.

5. Less interesting activities

Whether the activity is interesting or not, it needs interaction from both parties, for example, teachers and students. Children need a fun atmosphere to be more motivated. In addition, older people cannot impose skills that are not mastered by children. That means, everything needs to be adjusted to the child's interests. If not, they will lose motivation and are lazy in doing activities.

That's the hidden reason of lazy looking kids. In fact, parents need to communicate warmly with their children. It aims to identify what they are interested in and when they need support from the people closest to them.

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