JAKARTA - The laying of the sixth stone or groundbreaking in the capital city of Nusantara (IKN) has not yet been carried out. Whereas previously, the IKN Authority revealed that the groundbreaking would be carried out in May 2024.
Responding to this, OIKN Head Bambang Susantono said that the schedule for the sixth groundbreaking was still waiting for a schedule from President Joko Widodo (Jokowi).
This was revealed by Bambang when met by reporters at the Jakarta Convention Center (JCC), Senayan, on Tuesday, May 28.
"It is being proposed to the palace, waiting for the schedule of the President (Jokowi) because (the sector) is education," he said.
Bambang added that the plan was that later there would be a groundbreaking for other sectors that had not been done before.
"After that, there were other additional (sectors) that yesterday had not had time to groundbreaking. So, that's roughly the case," he said.
When asked further about which parties will carry out the Gorundbreaking, Bambang could not provide further information.
He only emphasized that the schedule for the sixth phase of the groundbreaking was still waiting for President Jokowi's schedule. "The schedule is still being requested," he added.
Previously reported, the Archipelago Capital Authority (OIKN) confirmed that the groundbreaking activity for the private project will take place in May 2024.
"So, the plan (groundbreaking) is targeted in May," said OIKN Deputy for Funding and Investment Agung Wicaksono to reporters when met at the food and beverage Hotel, Jakarta, Thursday, March 7.
Agung added that the sixth phase of groundbreaking itself will focus on project development in the education sector, which will coincide with National Awakening Day which falls on May 20, 2024.
"So, for the past two months we will focus on development. Meanwhile, for groundbreaking we have prepared a good governance, especially in the targeted sector, right, in May 2024 this is in the education sector because there is a National Awakening Day," he said.
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