YOGYAKARTA Mixing milk with honey is mostly done by the fans. But what is the effect of drinking honey mixed milk actually? Does the combination of the two have a specific impact on health?

As is known, the mixing of honey into milk is carried out with various purposes, but the most often is to get a sweet taste in pure cow's milk, which tends to taste good.

Milk and honey both have good nutrition for humans. Milk is known for being a source of protein, calcium, and various other nutrients. While honey is known for its sweet taste as well as its antioxidants. Even honey has its own benefits, such as black honey for stomach acid. When mixing milk with honey is basically safe.

Drinking milk with a mixture of honey is said to have certain advantages. Here are some good effects of drinking honey mixed milk.

Usually cow milk fans choose to use honey as a sweetener in their drinks. This refinement is done because it is able to produce delicious drinks. In addition, the use of honey as a sweetener is said to be healthier than liquid sugar.

The effect of drinking honey mixed milk for health does need to be studied further. However, some studies, reported by the Times of India, show that honey milk helps improve digestion.

Some experts also say, reported by onmanorama, that the effect of drinking honey mixed milk relieves several health conditions, such as easing sore throats, easing cold coughs, and other flu symptoms.

Drinking warm milk mixed with honey helps provide a calming effect. It is recommended to drink it before bed so that the quality of sleep increases.

Although it has a good effect, honey mixed milk drinks have other effects that need to be considered, namely as follows.

Milk and honey are both high in calories that play a role in increasing weight. This means that when consuming this drink there will be a risk of increasing calories that trigger additional weight. Moreover, this drink has a delicious taste, small glasses are sometimes not enough. It is also recommended not to consume this drink during the diet program because it will interfere with diet results.

Honey has a very sweet taste. Although natural with various health benefits, the sweetness of honey needs to be considered. Excess sugar consumption can trigger negative effects for health such as spikes in blood sugar to trigger holes in the teeth.

Mixing milk and honey can trigger allergies for some people. Before consuming this drink first pay attention to the list of allergies you have.

What must be watched out for is mixing milk with low quality honey. Currently, there is a lot of honey harvested without paying attention to hygiene until there is potential contamination. When the honey is mixed with milk, there is the potential to cause health problems, especially digestion.

That's information related to the effect of drinking honey mixed milk. Visit VOI.id to get other interesting information.

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