The Riau Islands Police (Kepri) are hunting for two fugitives (DPO) with the initials O and a foreigner, in the case of liquid methamphetamine production in Batam City.

Director of the Narcotics Directorate of the Riau Islands Police, Kombes Dony Alexander, said that based on information from suspects IS and FM, the DPO with the initials O was someone they met at a hotel in Batam City, to have a shabu party.

The evidence found in the hotel room was about 1 gram of methamphetamine, which was brought by the DPO with the initials O.

"After they had the items used, they left them on the bathroom closet, then they headed to the apartment to meet the suspect AR as a liquid methamphetamine seller. It turns out that the suspects have been to this hotel several times for the process of taking narcotics," Dony said as quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, May 28.

Meanwhile, another DPO who is a foreigner acts as a controller and who provides a tutorial on producing liquid methamphetamine to AR.

"The AR confession from his boss (WNA DPO) gave a tutorial on cellphones, be it video calls or calls," he said.

Dony conveyed that in the suspect's statement, the narcotics items were obtained from the DPO of foreigners from Indonesian territory.

That way, the Riau Islands Police coordinate with relevant agencies and Interpol Police Headquarters in searching for the foreigner's DPO.

Previously, the police raided 1 apartment unit in Batam, Riau Islands which was used as a drug production site (industrial house/home industry) in the form of liquid methamphetamine and arrested three perpetrators.

Dony Alexander said his party found 68 bottles measuring 500 ml, containing liquid methamphetamine, with details of 10 bottles to be brought to Palembang, 6 other bottles were produced, and the remaining 52 bottles were on site.

The police received information regarding the existence of a drug production site from the local community. "This is what we will explore the manufacturing process. Is the person concerned really self-taught, or taught, or has he ever made anything other than this Riau Islands area," he said.

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