JAKARTA - The National Solidarity Movement Foundation (YGSN) founded by Pak Prabowo, works with PT Attaya Kemi Mandiri, provides 10 tons of free fertilizer and 100 spraying sprayers for plants on slopes of Mount Sumbing, Magelang Regency.

Since early November 2024, YGSN has signed a collaboration with PT Attaya Kemi Kandiri (distributor fertilizer) for the distribution of fertilizer and sprayer alms to farmers throughout Indonesia.

In this collaboration, PT Attaya Kemi Mandiri will provide 10 tons of fertilizer and 100 sprayers every month for an indefinite period of time to small farmers through YGSN.

YGSN will choose narrow-lane farmers or small farmers who will receive assistance. YGSN also financed the implementation of the provision of fertilizer assistance and spray sprayer.

Owner who is also the President Director of PT Attaya Kemi Mandiri Daniel Iqbal said that giving fertilizers and sprayers to farmers through YGSN, apart from being the company's regular alms.

"This is also in order to support Prabowo's presidential program in realizing food security," he said in an electronic message received in Jakarta, Sunday, December 22.

In the first distribution last November 2024, 10 tons of Nitrea fertilizer was given to farmers in Sukaraja District, Banyumas Regency - Central Java.

As for the second distribution, in the form of 10 tons of Nitrea fertilizer and 100 spray sprayer plants, last weekend it was given to farmers in Sukomakmur village, Kajoran District (Leng Gunung Sumbing), Magelang-Central Java Regency.

This Nitrea fertilizer is a fertilizer that is really needed by farmers because it is very useful for growth, both rice, corn and vegetables. This Nitrea fertilizer is above Urea Pupun because it is added to nitrogen. Prices in the market per 50 kg/zak are around 400-450 thousand.

Present at the provision of free fertilizer were Deputy Chairperson of the GSN Foundation who is also Walil Head of the Poverty Acceleration Agency (BP Taskin), Nanik S Deyang and Owner of PT Arttaya Kemi Mandiri, Daniel Igbal.

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