To Break The Spread Of The Delta Variant, President Biden Distributes 350 Billion Dollars For Newly Vaccinated Residents

JAKARTA - The surge in cases of COVID-19 infection due to the Delta variant, has prompted President Joe Biden to take a number of quick measures, by trying to boost vaccination programs and wearing masks.

Yesterday, President Biden urged local governments to reward people who accept the COVID-19 vaccine, set rules requiring federal workers to provide proof of vaccination or face routine testing, and are required to wear masks and be subject to travel restrictions.

The measures are President Biden's latest attempt to spur Americans reluctant to be vaccinated when the Delta variant of the coronavirus surged nationwide, infecting unvaccinated people.

Anti-vaccine sentiment, misinformation, and political divisions have left the US vaccination program left behind other developed countries, despite the abundant stock of free COVID-19 vaccines.

Biden's decision to require millions of federal workers and contractors to show proof of vaccination is a departure from previous opposition to so-called vaccine passports. This suggests the White House is taking a tougher stance on the circumstances in President Biden's control as the virus spreads.

"Today too many people are dying or watching someone they love", President Biden told reporters at the White House.

"With freedom comes responsibility. So please exercise responsible judgment. Get vaccinated for yourself, your loved ones, for your country", President Biden hoped.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), approximately 163.8 million people in the United States are fully vaccinated out of a population of approximately 330 million. Government employees who show no evidence they have been vaccinated will undergo weekly or twice weekly COVID-19 tests and travel restrictions.

The United States has about 2.18 million civil servants and another 570.000 U.S. Postal Service (USPS) workers, according to 2020 data. The U.S. government employed 3.7 million contract employees in 2017, a New York University study found. Postal workers are not affected by the new rules.

In addition, President Biden also directed the Department of Defense to look into how and when to require members of the military to take vaccines.

Meanwhile, US state, local and territorial governments will get USD 350 billion in coronavirus relief, to provide a USD 100 payment for every newly vaccinated American.

"I know paying people to be vaccinated may sound unfair, to people who have already been vaccinated. But here's the deal, if incentives help us beat this virus, I believe we should use them", said President Biden.

President Biden's pandemic strategy came under the spotlight as the Delta variant spread and many Americans refused to use the vaccine. The escalating outbreak could have an impact on the ongoing US economic recovery.

Another issue is how the spike in infections is affecting efforts to get children back to school in the fall.

"We can and we have to open schools this fall, full-time. We can't be out of class for another year", President Biden said.

In addition, President Biden also urged school districts to set up at least one 'pop-up vaccination clinic' in the coming weeks, to get children 12 and over vaccinated.