Military Regime Adds Four Corruption Charges: Aung San Suu Kyi Faces 10 Cases, Threats 75 Years In Prison

JAKARTA - Myanmar's leader San Suu Kyi could face up to 75 years in prison after Myanmar's military regime filed four new corruption charges against her to ensure the ousted civilian leader stays behind bars.

On Tuesday 13 July, Aung San Suu Kyi, President U Win Myint, and Dr. Myo Aung, former Chairman of the Naypyitaw Council, appeared at the special court in Zabuthiri Township, Naypyitaw for their trial on incitement under Article 505(b) of the Criminal Code.

The new charges against ousted Aung San Suu Kyi bring the number of cases she faces to ten, with a total sentence of 75 years awaiting her if she is convicted, obliged to serve all sentences for each successive charge.

“If the court decides he should serve consecutive sentences, he could face a total of 75 years in prison for ten cases. In political cases, the decisions tend to be sequential,” said U Khin Maung Zaw, one of Suu Kyi's lawyers, as quoted by The Irrawaddy Tuesday, July 13.

U Khin Maung Zaw said the four new charges under the Anti-Corruption Act will be heard at the Mandalay County High Court on July 22, and they will know the details of the charges by then.

"The allegations are not, obviously because the lawyers were not able to see the first information report and other documents from the police," he said.

Aung San Suu Kyi. (Wikimedia Commons/Michał Józefaciuk)

Two of the cases were against Daw Aung San Suu Kyi alone, while in the other two he was charged along with two others.

Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, Dr. Myo Aung, and U Min Thu, former committee members of the Naypyitaw Council, face one charge, while Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, U Ye Min Oo, the ousted deputy chairman of the Naypyitaw Council, and other councilors face separate charges together.

Last month, they were accused of abusing power to obtain cheap land rent for Daw Khin Kyi Foundation's La Yaung Taw Horticulture Vocational School in Naypyitaw.

  • divclass"h-100 my-0"> | BERITA

    Bentrok Senjata dengan Aliansi PDF dan Etnis Bersenjata KIA, 180 Tentara Rezim Militer Myanmar Tewas

    13 Juli 2021, 06:22
  • divclass"h-100 my-0"> | BERITA

    Bentrok Bersenjata di Kawlin, Lebih dari 40 Tentara Rezim Militer Myanmar Tewas

    08 Juli 2021, 06:10
  • divclass"h-100 my-0"> | BERITA

    Seratusan Polisi Perbatasan Rezim Militer Myanmar Terinfeksi COVID-19

    07 Juli 2021, 09:35
  • divclass"h-100 my-0"> | BERITA

    Sebut Sanksi Terhadap Myanmar Tidak Pantas, China Bela Rezim Militer

    07 Juli 2021, 06:25
  • divclass"my-3 text-center"> divclass"row"> divclass"col-12 d-flex align-items-center justify-content-center"> ">Myanmar's military-controlled Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) said Suu Kyi was found guilty of corruption using her rank, filing her case under Article 55 of the Anti-Corruption Act.

    Another defendant was also charged under the Corruption Eradication Law, for granting land use permits and land grants in violation of official procedures.

    Suu Kyi has previously been tried on six other charges, including illegal possession of walkie-talkies, violating COVID-19 restrictions, sedition, and one case under the Official Secrets Act.

    To note, Suu Kyi was detained on the morning of February 1, coinciding with the coup carried out by the Myanmar military. After the takeover, the regime launched a corruption investigation against her.

    The military regime accuses Suu Kyi of accepting cash and gold, as well as abusing her authority and funds donated to her charitable foundation. In early June, the regime said Suu Kyi was charged under the Anti-Corruption Act and that the ACC was investigating the allegations.

    U Khin Maung Zaw said the same team of lawyers also represented U Min Thu, who faces sedition charges under Section 505(b) of the Criminal Code. U Khin Maung Zaw has represented U Min Thu every Wednesday at his trial at the prison court in Naypyitaw. The court has heard from prosecution witnesses in this case.

    In a meeting with Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and Dr. Myo Aung before Tuesday's hearing, the legal team said they had obtained signatures from both defendants for a power of attorney document to be submitted to the Mandalay District High Court.



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  • divclass"h-100 my-0"> | BERITA

    Bentrok Senjata dengan Aliansi PDF dan Etnis Bersenjata KIA, 180 Tentara Rezim Militer Myanmar Tewas

    13 Juli 2021, 06:22
  • divclass"h-100 my-0"> | BERITA

    Bentrok Bersenjata di Kawlin, Lebih dari 40 Tentara Rezim Militer Myanmar Tewas

    08 Juli 2021, 06:10
  • divclass"h-100 my-0"> | BERITA

    Seratusan Polisi Perbatasan Rezim Militer Myanmar Terinfeksi COVID-19

    07 Juli 2021, 09:35
  • divclass"h-100 my-0"> | BERITA

    Sebut Sanksi Terhadap Myanmar Tidak Pantas, China Bela Rezim Militer

    07 Juli 2021, 06:25
  • divclass"my-3 text-center"> divclass"row"> divclass"col-12 d-flex align-items-center justify-content-center">

    Testimony from the prosecution witness for the sedition charges against Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, President of Myanmar U Win Myint, and Dr. Myo Aung was settled on Tuesday. The case has now been adjourned to July 27 for further arguments, said U Khin Maung Zaw.

    Meanwhile, for the case facing Daw Aung San Suu Kyi under the Natural Disaster Management Act, which relates to alleged violations of COVID-19 regulations, no prosecution witnesses have appeared and the trial will resume next Tuesday.

    Myanmar Coup. The VOI editorial team continues to monitor the political situation in one of the ASEAN member countries. Casualties from civilians continue to fall. Readers can follow the news covering the Myanmar military coup by clicking this link.