Mahfud MD Touches 10 Major Corruption Cases in Papua, Firli: The Investigation Process at the KPK is Underway

JAKARTA - Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Firli Bahuri said his party has investigated alleged corruption cases in Papua, especially related to special autonomy funds.

This was conveyed after the Coordinating Minister for Legal And Security Politics (Menko Polhukam) Mahfud MD alluded to a major corruption case in Papua. The number is quite large, which is 10 cases.

"We want to tell you what the KPK is doing. I'm sorry I can't tell one by one", Firli said at a press conference at the KPK White House, Kuningan Persada, South Jakarta, Thursday, May 20.

Even so, he promised to be open about the process of handling the case. Especially, cases related to the utilization of special autonomy funds.

"In time we will tell you the extent of the handling of the case that occurred in the regions that obtained special autonomy funds", he said.

The former Deputy Of KPK Crackdown ensures that it will eradicate corruption. Because KPK has a purpose to prosper all Indonesian people.

"Our principle is that we want to prosper the People of Indonesia from Sabang to Merauke. From Miangas Island to Rote Island, nothing is left behind. That's the spirit of the special autonomy policy", Firli said.

"So the KPK supports government policies related to the implementation of special autonomy," he added.

Minister of Polhukam Mahfud MD revealed that the government found 10 major corruption cases in Papua. Furthermore, the government will crackdown on the perpetrators of the practice.

These findings were obtained from the reports of the Audit Board of Finance (BPK) and the State Intelligence Agency.

"We already have 10 major corruption cases that law enforcement will also do against them", Mahfud told reporters On Wednesday, May 19.

In addition, the former Chairman of the Constitutional Court also claimed to hear several parties who consider Papua's tax revenues to be lavished for the needs of the state. However, Mahfud insists this is not true.

"Often people tax wealthy Papuans. Recruited for the state, Papua is poor, not part. That's not true", he said.

Mahfud described the data to prove this rebuttal. He said that revenue from Papuan taxes, both Papuan companies operating in Jakarta and operating in Papua itself, amounted to IDR 12.6 trillion. Meanwhile, the budget amounted to IDR 46.1 trillion.

Then, tax and customs revenue in West Papua are IDR 5.5 trillion. Meanwhile, the expenditure issued by the central government was IDR 19.2 trillion.

Thus, Mahfud considered it impossible for the government to dredge up Papua's wealth when the budget was greater than revenue.

"It's a common policy, the government continues to conduct welfare policies, peaceful without violence or weapons. That's the basic principle", Mahfud said.