In Order To Keep Nutrition Balanced, Here's How To Apply A Healthy Diet

JAKARTA - One of the efforts that can be made to maintain health is by consuming balanced nutrition. Even if you are on a diet, eating nutritious food is also important so that the body's nutritional needs can be fulfilled.

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) recommends that a plate of food should consist of half a serving of vegetables and half a serving of grains and protein. Fruits and low-fat dairy products must also be consumed every day.

For those of you who have a diet program and want to adopt a healthy diet, here is information on what foods you can consume to keep your nutritional needs fulfilled.


Protein is needed to build tissue. You can eat lean meat as a protein food. Avoid fish, eggs, tofu, and tempe because the protein contained in them is quite high.

Complex Carbohydrates

When dieting, avoid consuming simple carbohydrates and try complex carbohydrates that contain fiber. You can choose whole-wheat pasta, brown rice, or potatoes.


The diet also requires fruit. Apart from fruit juices, consuming whole fruits is also very important to fulfill the body's nutrition. Choose fresh fruit or frozen foods and avoid sugary foods and drinks.


Vegetables are highly recommended for consumption every day. Apart from containing vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, vegetables are also rich in fiber which can help to improve digestion.

Reducing salt and sugar consumption

Consuming excessive salt and sugar is very bad for health. Salt can cause heart disease, stroke, and high blood pressure. While sugar, causes obesity and diabetes.

Limit sugar consumption to a maximum of 4 tablespoons per day per person and salt to no more than 6 grams a day for adults.

Avoid saturated fat

Having a healthy diet, of course, has to reduce saturated fat. Saturated fat can be found in butter, cakes, biscuits, lard, and cream. If you are used to cooking with butter, try substituting vegetable oil or olive oil. You can also use non-stick Teflon with a little spread of oil for sauteing and baking.

Adequate water consumption

Although the portion of food can be reduced, but not by drinking portions. A healthy diet requires the people who diet to drink about 6 to 8 glasses every day. Apart from plain water, you can also get fluids from several fruits and vegetables that contain high water levels, such as watermelon, melon, and cucumber.