The Story Of Rage Against The Machine Defending The Palestinian People

JAKARTA - The United States (US) may turn a blind eye to Israel's violence against Palestine. However, not for the Rage Against the Machine (RATM). The band from Los Angeles actually fully supports the struggle of the Palestinian people to get their rights. The right to land, life and freedom.

This spirit was perpetuated by Zack de la Rocha, Tom Morello, Brad Wilk, and the Commerfold Team so that colonialism on earth was abolished. This step is a form of plenary participation of RATM in the oppressed.

Taking sides with the oppressed is not new to RATM. The famous band with the Hip Metal color often openly joins music affairs with politics. Music is not only known as a medium of entertainment, but also a place to burn anger against injustice.

The live performance was perpetuated by RATM when he compiled his first album demo. The band, which was formed in 1990, was making 12 songs. The contents narrated resistance. From the matter of social inequality to resistance to racism.

Zack de la Rocha and his friends gave their album names in line with the band name: RATM. The narrative of the resistance of injustice was sealed with the cover of an album that brought the nuances of the struggle against oppression.

The image is the action of a Vietnamese monk, Thich Quang Duck who set himself on fire on the streets of Saigon in 1963. The self-immolation has been widely known as a form of protest to the local government. The Vietnamese government is considered to perpetuate religious discrimination.

The album, which was later circulated independently, captured the world's attention and the record label for the first time in 1992. Fans are piled up. Even RATM songs are starting to be widely used to burn the people's spirits against tyranny leaders.

Protesters are not only sung through songs. Zack and his friends are often present in every demonstration against detrimental policies or tyrannical leaders. This activity made RATM more popular with many people.

RATM is the embodiment of a wise word: life must be in harmony between action and words. They then reap success. The new album is being hunted all over the country. AlbumEvil Empire (1996), The Bottle of Los Angeles (1999), to Renegades (2000). Even though Zack chose to leave because of the inequality of vision and mission.

Band yang terdiri atas Zack de la Rocha (vokal), Tom Morello (guitar), Brad Wilma (drum), dan Tim Commerfold (bass) ini muncul seiring dengan mulai dimmernya gelangrunge, yang mengeramkan dunia pada awal 1990-an. Empat anak muda dari Los Angeles ini punya sikap yang unik diband dibandingkan dengan band-band lainnya. Dari sisi musik yang memixkan berbagairan bunyi, dari rock, metal, dan yang menarik: vokal Zack yang meluncurkan rap. Mereka disebut juga sebagai pelecut hip metal.

From the lyric side, they are more left-handed. And they don't just talk. They are also actively involved in various political activities, including helping the Zapatista Liberation Army struggle in Mexico and opposing the death penalty for Black Panther leader Mumia Abu-Jamal. As in the game of football, they are in the deep left position. Entering with a left understanding in the oceans of capitalism, "explained Irfan Budiman in his paper Tempo entitled The Return of the Internal Left Band (2007).

RATM's existence in defending those who are oppressed continues. RATM became a defender of the Palestinian people. The narrative was due to a series of facts that Israel acted like an colonialist. Instead of just wanting to control the Palestinian territories, they also perpetuate human rights crimes, if they don't want to be called genocide -- from year to year.

Support for Palestine was firmly expressed by RATM when the Israeli-Palestinian conflict resurfaced in early 2021. The band that sang the songKing in the Nametitutengah plans to perpetuate the reunion concert which is made dizzy by Israel's blind action to attack the Palestinian people.

Israel's action was not only perpetuated in one place, but in three different places. From Sheikh Jarrah, Al Aqsa Mosque complex, and Gaza. The casualties fell. The action was also supported by the US. The narrative made RATM speak up by criticizing Israel.

The violence and institutions we are traveling in Sheikh Jarrah, the Al Aqsa compound and Gaza are a continuation of decades of Israel's brutal apartheid and violent occupation of Palestine. We stand with the Palestinian people as they resist this collonial terror in all its forms

They condemned all of Israel's actions against the Palestinian people via Twitter accounts on May 12, 2021. Israel's actions were considered by Zack and his friends like racial destruction. All because the instrument used by Israel was a colonial way of working.

The violence made RATM firmly on the Palestinian side. Colonialization above the world must be abolished. Moreover, the Israeli occupation not only made adults a victim of life, but also children.

The violence and atrocities we witnessed in Sheikh Jarrah, the Al Aqsa and Gaza complexes are a continuation of decades of Israel's brutal apartheid and the occupation of violence in Palestine. We stood with the Palestinian people as they fought colonial terror in all its forms #Free Palestinians," RATM said on its Twitter account @RATMofficial, May 12, 2021.