JAKARTA - The vocalist of Radja Band, Ian Kasela, is said to be giving testimony as a witness in the alleged defamation case with the reported YouTube account of the MANJI World. The plan is for the examination process to be carried out on Thursday, August 24.
"Tomorrow, Ian Kasela will be examined as a witness," said Band Radja's attorney, Sunan Kalijaga, to reporters, Wednesday, August 23.
During the examination, which is said to be scheduled for 14.00 WIB, said Sunan, his client will not only convey the things that are known about the alleged defamation. However, how many pieces of evidence will also be submitted
The submission of the evidence is expected to strengthen the occurrence of a criminal element. Thus, the report made by Band Rajda can immediately go up to the investigation stage.
"You will convey what evidence Ian and the person who is a resource person on the podcast we reported. Obviously there, there is a transfer of rights, there is an agreement and the black and white," he said.
In addition, investigators are said to have also questioned the manager of Radja Band, Rana Arinansyah, as a witness today.
"Today's agenda is that the Radja band is represented by the manager, Mas Rana is in the BAP," said Sunan.
Meanwhile, Radja reported Anji's YouTube account, the MANJI world on suspicion of defamation to the Polda Metro Jaya on Monday, August 14.
The report is registered with the number LP/B/4764/VIII/2023/SPKT POLDA METRO JAYA.
The main problem in that case was when YouTube Dunia MANJI showed a video with the title 'PLEASE IAN KASELA 20 MILYAR, The Creator of the song Cinderella Will Take Legal Path! Sit Together Anji'.
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