
JAKARTA - Cirebon City Police Chief AKBP Ariek Indra Sentanu explained the chronology to the role of the former Cirebon Mundu Police Chief with the initials SW in the case of fraud in the recruitment of the National Police with victims of porridgeers losing hundreds of millions.

"This SW is an intermediary, where SW promises the victim because he has an acquaintance who can help his son become a member of the National Police," he said, in Cirebon, West Java, Monday, June 19, which was confiscated by Antara.

Ariek said the fraud case for recruiting members of the National Police by the former Mundu Police Chief, AKP SW, began when the victim's father spoke with SW regarding his son's interest in becoming a member of the National Police, considering that both of them were neighbors.

According to him, after the victim told the story, then AKP SW, whose last position as Deputy Head of Community Guidance at the Cirebon Police, gave directions and promised the victim that he would introduce N, who is an ASN at the National Police Headquarters.

Then between AKP SW, the victim, and N, said Ariek, met to take care of all the needs in recruiting as members of the National Police, one of which was the victim's obligation to pay Rp350 million.

"However, because this victim knew AKP SW, the administration was lowered to Rp325 million and when it did not pass, it would be returned," he said.

Ariek added that AKP SW in this case was active, so the officers named him a suspect in fraud, as well as an ASN with the initials N.

After the recruitment of members of the National Police, he explained, the victim's child was declared dead or did not pass so the victim asked for the money to be returned, but the two suspects did not accept it.

He said that in 2021 the victim reported the case to the Mundu Police and at that time AKP SW was the police chief so that the case stalled without clarity.

"We then withdrew the case to the Cirebon City Police Satreskrim. We had sent three summons and all of them were not fulfilled by the suspect," he said.

After that, he said, on June 17, 2023, officers arrested N and brought AKP SW for examination, and on Sunday, June 18, both were named suspects.

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