
SEMARANG The flow of vehicles on the Kalikangkung Toll Road is still heavy. The police finally took discretion to extend the one way scheme towards Jakarta. Meanwhile, the Joint Decree (SKB) regarding the period of prohibition of operations for certain goods transport vehicles has also been extended.

This was revealed by the Director of Traffic and Traffic of the Central Java Police, Kombes Pol Agus Suryonugroho while accompanying the Regional Police Chief Inspector General Ahmad Luthfi, monitoring the backflow at the integrated post of the Kalikangkung toll gate, Semarang City, Thursday, April 27.

"For the SKB, which was supposed to be normal on April 25, April 26, there was a new SKB for three-axis vehicles to still be issued, both on toll roads and non-toll roads," said Kombes Agus in a written statement, Thursday, April 27.

Agus also revealed that the peak of the homecoming flow observed at the Kalikangkung toll gate occurred on Wednesday at around 11-12 WIB, with the average vehicle passing by around 3700 vehicles.

Due to this condition, Agus continued, the Central Java Police took a policy to carry out a local one way from the km 425 toll road along the 11 kilometers to the west.

"A local one way is also carried out on non-toll roads, namely on the Klonegan flyover towards the Pejagan toll gate, Brebes. There is a one way and open the vehicle's flow lid because the road capacity is narrow while the flow of vehicles is quite large," he said.

This policy, explained Dirlantas, has a positive impact on the flow of vehicle traffic. The flow of vehicles becomes divided so that traffic is monitored smoothly, both on toll roads and non-toll roads.

He also revealed that the backflow of vehicles through the Kalikangkung toll gate has now reached 47 percent. For this reason, his party anticipates the remaining 53 percent of vehicles that will travel back to stage 2 on April 28, 29 and 30.

"To anticipate this, policies will be implemented, including bans on transportation vehicles according to SKB, one way or odd-even vehicles entering toll roads," said Dirlantas.

"Vehicles with even number plates that will depart on odd dates, and vice versa, are advised to take the arterial or non-toll route. Please the drivers who will return, determine which date to go," he added.

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