Smuggler 31 Yellow-crested Cockatoo In Baubau Arrested By LHK Law Enforcement
MAKASSAR - The Environmental and Forestry Security and Law Enforcement Center (Gakkum) (LHK) for the Sulawesi Region, has arrested the perpetrator with the initials LMS (40) who is suspected of being involved in the case of smuggling protected animals in Baubau City, Southeast Sulawesi.
"During the arrest of the perpetrators last weekend, the operating team also managed to secure 31 yellow-crested Cockatoos (Cacatua sulphura) and 1 Nuri Bayan (Eclectus roratus) who were protected by law," said Head of the Balai Gakkum LHK Sulawesi Region, Aswin Bangun, as reported by ANTARA, Thursday, November 9.
He said the suspect with the initials LMS was currently undergoing an examination process by investigators from the LHK Balai Gakkum Sulawesi Region and was entrusted to the Baubau City Police Headquarters Detention Center.
In this case, investigators applied Article 40 paragraph (2) in conjunction with Article 21 Paragraph (2) letter a Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 5 of 1990 concerning Conservation of Biological Natural Resources and Their Ecosystems, with the threat of a maximum prison sentence of five years and a maximum fine of IDR 100,000,000 (one hundred million rupiah).
According to him, the case of wildlife smuggling began with a public report, which was then responded by the LHK Balai Gakkum for the Sulawesi Region by carrying out a Operation to Rescue Plants and Wildlife (TSL) in collaboration with the Baubau City Police and the Southeast Sulawesi Natural Resources Conservation Center (BKSDA).
The operation team managed to secure evidence from KM Ngapulu which was unloaded from the ship using ropes to the boat.
Aswin said that his party is committed to continuing to develop in disclosing and cutting off the protected wildlife trade network and exploring the possibility of other parties being involved and the presence of other types of trafficked animals.
The action against perpetrators of protected animal crimes is the government's commitment to protect the wealth and biodiversity of the Indonesian nation. This crime is a threat to the sustainability of the heart and ecosystem that is very important for the life of the Indonesian nation.
Aswin said that the wildlife trade was a very detrimental crime and was included in organized crimes.
Along with the progress of the times and technology, he continued, the trade in protected wildlife has shifted from conventional trade methods carried out in markets, currently experiencing changes through online media in transactions.
Therefore, Gakkum LHK continues to develop various ways to carry out TSL security such as through Cyber Patrol to monitor online TSL trading on social media and cooperate with the Ministry of Communication and Information for the closure of accounts and content allegedly conducting protected wildlife trade transactions and collaborating with the Cyber Crime institution in the Police.