Cianjur Help Handling The Sarimukti TPA Fire
CIANJUR - Cianjur Regency Government assisted in handling fires at the Sarimukti Waste Disposal Site (TPA) in Cipat District, West Bandung Regency, West Java.
Head of the Fire Department of the Civil Service Police Unit and the Cianjur Regency Fire Department Hendra Wira Riharja said a fire engine from the Ciranjang Command Headquarters was operated to help extinguish the fire at the waste management facility.
"We have just sent one unit because of the limitations of the fire department to be alerted at each command headquarters. Because the closest one is Mako Ciranjang, we sent one, while the other unit is on standby for handling in the region," he said, quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, August 24.
"Fire trucks at a number of Mako ( command headquarters) in Cianjur cannot be dispatched entirely because this dry season is prone to fires," he said.
The West Bandung Regency Government has declared a disaster emergency status due to the fire that occurred at TPA Sarimukti.
West Bandung Regent Hengky Kurniawan said that until now firefighters from West Bandung and districts and cities in Greater Bandung were still trying to extinguish the fire that occurred in the garbage shelter.