Jambi Police Arrest Two Cannabis Dealers And Secure 45.7 Kg Of Evidence

JAMBI - The Narcotics Investigation Unit of the Jambi Police confiscated 45.7 kilograms of marijuana worth IDR 130 million from two dealers who were arrested in Telanai Pura District, Jambi City.

"Two suspects who have been arrested are Rendy Hidayat, aged 30, and Rizki Parlindungan Nasution, aged 30", said Jambi Police Chief Commissioner, Eko Wahyudi in Jambi, Wednesday, July 13.

Two of the narcotics abuse suspects are residents of Jelutung District, Jambi City. From the suspect's hands, the evidence that was secured by the police was 43 large packages of marijuana with a total weight of 45.7 kilograms.

The suspect who was arrested by the police, namely Rendy Hidayat, then from the development results managed to catch the suspect Rizki. From the confession of the suspected marijuana-type narcotics, the perpetrator was obtained from the Mandailing Natal Regency, North Sumatra Province.

"They include dealers, selling marijuana in large and small sizes depending on orders from buyers. Six packages of marijuana have been sold and the rest are secured", said Commissioner Eko Wahyudi quoted by Antara.

Meanwhile, Jambi Police Narcotics Head, Commissioner Niko Darutama said the suspect sold one kilogram of marijuana for IDR 3 million. In total, 45.7 kilograms of evidence that was secured was worth IDR 130 million.

"For this circular, it really depends on the order, they only need IDR 1.2 million for one package", said Commissioner Niko Darutama.

The articles alleged against the two suspects are Article 114 paragraph (2) and 111 paragraph (2) of the Republic of Indonesia Law no. 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics Types of marijuana with the threat of imprisonment from five years to 20 years.