JAKARTA Zoom, a provider of telecommunications platforms, shared survey results with the title Work Future Navigation: Global Perspective on Models and Hybrid Technology at the EX Summit 2024 event. In the report, it was recorded that 84 companies in Asia Pacific implemented a hybrid work system. About 83 percent of employees in the same region agree with the implementation of this work system. According to them, hybrid workforce feels more productive. When companies implement this work system, they need technology that can overcome employee constraints in communicating. One of the technologies that companies can use is a platform with a generating Artificial Intelligence (AI) support. "Currently, the company is faced with new challenges to find the most appropriate hybrid work patterns, while adjusting employee needs," said Ricky Kapur, Head of Asia Pacific Zoom. "AI's rapidly growing technology like artificial intelligence (AI) is also a new challenge." The results of this survey also explore the needs of employees for AI technology. The highest AI usage rate is found in tools to create transcription and summary. The utilization of this tool reaches 53 percent in the Asia Pacific region. Other technologies widely used are chatbots. The use of this AI medium has reached 59 percent. Although AI has been widely implemented in various companies, the use of this technology is still not optimal.

"Although our study shows that company leaders in Asia Pacific are aware of the productivity benefits for their employees by adopting AI in the workplace, many of them are not yet making maximum use of AI," Ricky explained. From Zoom's observations, the company concluded that proper technology selection is something companies should do. They should also be able to choose AI devices that suit employee needs. If choosing devices that are inadequate or not working optimally, the company will face difficulties in implementing hybrid work systems or implementing flexibility in their work environment.

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