JAKARTA - Since six years ago, we humans who inhabit Earth have been able to get a picture of Mars. The fourth planet of the solar system is full of rocks, arid, and steep hills. And the vision of Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla and SpaceX, is to bring humans to inhabit the planet.

Elon Musk first announced his grand plan in 2016. According to him, it is possible to bring thousands of humans to the nearest planet in the next ten years.

"This is not about humans moving to the planet Mars, but forming a multiplanetary system," Musk explained at the International Astronautical Congress in Guadalajara, Mexico, in 2016.

According to him, a multi-planet system is needed to minimize the risk of existence and develop a spirit of adventure. And if you look at the target date, Musk is quite ambitious. One thing he has also admitted.

So, will life on Mars really come true?

Nasa: You really can!

When interviewed by USA Today, NASA scientist Jim Green revealed that humans could certainly inhabit the planet Mars in the future. Jim stated that the opinion was obtained after his party found cells that could survive on the Red Planet.

"Now, we also see Mars as a better location for life. And our findings show better results, "explained Jim.

According to Jim, Mars is more like Earth than any other planet in the solar system. That is what makes Mars even more attractive to be the second choice for mankind.

Besides, this planet also has its own beauty. Mars has a giant canyon that is the width of the United States of America. There is also a volcano as wide as Arizona, a state in the United States of America.

Since the interview was made in 2018, now three space agencies have launched their planes to Mars. Among others, institutions belonging to the United States, China, and the United Arab Emirates.

The race to Mars is the new goal of space exploration that dates back to the Cold War era. Where the United States and the Soviet Union competed to stick their flags on the Moon.

Musk's Plan to Populate Mars

Musk admits that the timetable he has made related to his plans for Mars is still unclear. However, when interviewed by National Geographic in 2016, Musk stated that his party would go to Mars in mid-2020.

Now, 2020 has passed. Meanwhile, Musk is still trying to test the Starship rocket, which was originally intended to be used as a vehicle for space.

Even so, the schedule set by Musk was met. One by one. Starting from the creation of a giant rocket, which SpaceX calls the Inter-Planetary Transportation System.

The aircraft can be loaded by astronauts and launched above the thrusters measuring 39 feet, about 11.8 meters. This thruster is capable of producing 28 million pounds of thrust. Using the 42 Raptor engine, the thrusters will accelerate the boost to 5,374 miles per hour.

Now, after being tested up to ten times, the Starship spacecraft can finally land again - a step needed to ensure that the plane can actually land safely on another planet.

Yes, Musk is only at the rides development stage. And it will still take several years for the design to materialize in landing the first humans on Mars. Then, will it happen? It's good to let time answer that.

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