JAKARTA - Komika and actor Fico Fachriza recently stole the public's attention after news circulated that he was involved in borrowing money from a number of artists. The news immediately spread on social media and became a hot topic of conversation among fans and the public. Shortly after the issue circulated, Fico Fachriza was finally asked to provide clarification on the allegations linking him to the case.
Dalam sebuah pertemuan dengan wartawan, Fico Fachriza memberikan penjelasan terkait kabar yang beredar. Namun, yang mengejutkan adalah sikap Fico yang meminta pembayar kepada wartawan untuk memberikan klarifikasi. Hal ini tentu saja menimbulkan pertanyaan besar di kalangan publik, mengingat Fico adalah seorang tokoh publik yang seharusnya terbuka dan transparan dalam menjelaskan isu yang beredar.
Fico Fachriza admitted that he was entitled to pay for his time and opportunity. Ananta Rispo's sister asked for payment if anyone wanted to interview him. This was done by Fico, because he felt his name was now a public conversation.
"If the money doesn't exist, you can't (interview). There (TV program) was also shot, the same," said Fico, quoted by VOI from the Instagram account @pembasmi.haluan.reall on Tuesday, December 31, 2024.
Fico is allegedly reluctant to provide an explanation and prefers to do so on social media rather than clarifying in front of the media crew.
"I can go through my social media and even get engagement from it," he continued.
Not only that, but Fico also told how much he paid when he was a guest star on a television program. Moreover, the case went viral, Fico asked for payment if someone wanted to invite him.
"I gave an example. TV is usually when you invite someone who is hype, you get paid 1 million, 2 million, and it can be 7 to 8 months before going down. Well, because my case is still this scary, I ask for a special treatment," he explained.
"I asked to be paid in front before filming and he wanted to. They saw, oh, this is very potential," he added.
The upload was flooded with netizens' responses. They were busy blaspheming Fico after asking reporters for payment to clarify the problem.
"Sick is a person, playing victim is really wkwk. It feels crowded because of what achievements, haha, it's high like that," commented the netizen.
"It's better if you don't have to interview him or not, after all, you need to confirm with him the proof that transfers from artists already exist," wrote another netizen.
"Where did the money yesterday go? Can you still ask for payment?" said another netizen.
Previously, Teuku Ryzki revealed that Fico Fahriza borrowed money several times on the grounds of a car accident and his stepfather who died. After he uploaded the upload on Instagram, several fellow artists also commented and admitted to receiving the same message.
Not only that, Rispo opened his voice regarding Fico who borrowed money from a number of artists. Rispo said Fico often reasoned that the money was used for the treatment of his mother's husband and others, but he suspected it was just a hoax. The problem of borrowing money is not the first time Fico has done it. Initially, Fico asked Rispo for a loan several times.
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