JAKARTA - Polda Metro Jaya searched five houses related to the handling of the alleged corruption case of online gambling at the Ministry of Communication and Digital Affairs (Komdigi).

The alleged corruption in question is in the form of giving gifts or promises to Komdigi officials not to block online gambling sites.

"Investigators have also conducted 5 searches of five other closed houses," said Director of Special Criminal Investigation at Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Ade Safri Simanjuntak to reporters, Tuesday, December 31.

The results of the search, a number of evidences were confiscated, such as electronic goods which are believed to have clues related to the alleged corruption.

In addition, regarding the progress of handling the case, 32 witnesses have been questioned. The majority are Komdigi employees.

"21 of them are Komdigi employees, and currently the investigation is still ongoing. Next week there will be an agenda for examination of 7-8 other witnesses," said Ade.

In handling the Komdigi online gambling case, Polda Metro Jaya has named 26 suspects. Of the dozens of suspects, 9 of them were employees and one Komdigi expert staff, namely Adhi Kismanto.

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