JAKARTA - Recently, several companies have announced that they are building AI agents, or'synthetic employees'. These digital workers can change the world of work as we know it. For example answering emails, setting up invoices, responding to customer service questions, and managing calendars. They can even replace admin employees or expensive third-party technology.

Ed Broussard, CEO of artificial intelligence company Tomoro.AI, said that the increase in productivity offered by these synthetic employees would be huge, leading to a working week of three days.

Recently, Nvidia, an AI technology company, andANTEcratic AI, a medical AI company announced that it would collaborate on AI health agencies. These companies hope their new AI nurses can overcome the shortage of health workers around the world.

Broussard believes that the progress that will be made in the next two years will be more significant than all the progress seen in the industry in the previous 75 years. He also added that by the end of the decade, any office work will be changed' by AI agents.

Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft, believes AI agents will replace Amazon's internet search site and shopping site. He now also believes that synthetic workers will have a major impact on education and health. He also claims they will be the 'largest revolution in computing since humans switched from typing orders to tapping icons only.'

Broussard believes that the increase in productivity offered by digital employees will be huge, leading to a three-day working week. He added that in the near future, this technology will take over the duties of admins and research in several industries including law, investment and marketing.

One of the agents we use the most is the Fact Extraction Agent. This is a specialist in reading large amounts of documents and extracting all useful facts and information into easy-to-read form by other AI Agents," Broussard said.

Broussard believes that a large organization that failed to use a'synthetic employee' will be destroyed in the next decade. He also predicts AI agents will eliminate the admin altogether - people don't need to find information or fill out a form or book a hotel, and will prefer to ask the digital assistant.

"We will see a very different way of working, a new role emerges and the organization shifts jobs that usually limit human creative output towards AI agents this can free people up," said Broussard. When the impacts that humans can make start regardless of the amount of hours they spend working on, we may need to reimagine how we think or work."

Broussard insists AI agents are not yet ready to take on the overall role. We are still far from AI agents replacing nurses or software developers as a whole. We've seen agents do a part of that role and do it well, for example AI is often better at identifying cancer cells from scanning than humans but that's not the whole job of a radiographer," Broussard said.

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