JAKARTA - In the 2024 Adobe Summit, Adobe and Microsoft announced that they will integrate Adobe Experience Cloud into Microsoft Copilot for Microsoft 365 to assist the marketing team's workflow.

If previously the marketing team had to go back and forth between the Adobe and Microsoft applications alternately, then with this innovation, they could manage more efficient workflows.

"Demands for personalized content on social, cellular, and other fast-moving channels have exploded, encouraging marketers to encourage greater efficiency and productivity in their daily work," said Amit Ahuja, senior vice president, Adobe's Digital Experience Business.

Through this integration, Microsoft and Adobe aim to empower marketing teams to create campaigns that have an impact on improving the experience of their customers.

"By integrating contextual marketing insights from the Adobe Experience Cloud and Dynamics 365 apps in the workflow through Copilot to Microsoft 365, we meet our common goals while helping marketers streamline their efforts, break down barriers, and provide extraordinary results," added Jared Spataro, vice president of the company, AI at Work, Microsoft.

This initial ability will focus on overcoming the needs of marketers who often work in various teams internally and externally, including:

Marketers can ask questions to get marketing project status, understand the effectiveness of campaigns, extraordinary approvals, and actions that must be taken, or the audience and KPI defined in the latest campaign summary through Microsoft Word, Teams, or Outlook.

The marketing insights from Adobe and Dynamics 365 will be available on Copilot for Microsoft 365 to make a briefing, a presentation for executive reviews, or any kind of report or message.

Lastly, this integrated capability informed by Adobe Workfront can work across this app to create notifications informed by relevant marketing data to stay above any changes and actions that must be taken.

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